Good morning Heaven minded soldier, Join in today's Divine Encounter live or watch on demand here. Stay blessed. #November #NotOver #MoveMber Summary of November 2019 Divine Encounter. Theme: Swimming in Glory 8; A Taste of Water. Bible text: 1 Kings 17:8-15 Preacher: @pastoreaadeboyeofficial For somebody here today, help is on the way and the help will arise before it is too late. Long before you left home this morning, the God I serve has already seen your needs and help is on the way. John 12:24. When you sow a seed, it may look as if the seed has died, as if nothing is happening. It's only waiting for a taste of water. 2 Chronicles 1:6-12, 2 Chronicles 7:5 The number one law of the universe is the law of preservation. The second law is the law of harvest. Galatians 6:7 What you sow, you reap. God sowed His only begotten Son, now He has many children. You only block your way to recovery if you stop sowing. The only one who will sow and ...