LESSON 308 ESTHER: CASE STUDY IN VESSELS UNTO HONOUR – PART 3 Bible Reading: Esther 3,4 INTRODUCTION: In the last part of this series, we learnt that there is no room for a vacuum in nature, when one queen fall another one rose to take her place. We also saw that the statement of our Lord that many are called but few are chosen had always been true. Today as we study chapter 3, and 4 of the book of Esther, we begin to see some crucial characteristic of a vessel unto honour. May you be a vessel unto honour in Jesus name. 1. GOD MUST COME FIRST ALL THE TIME There are occasions when children of God may have to disobey the orders of the Government i.e. when those orders contravene the higher orders of the King of Kings Acts 3:4; Acts 5:27-32; Exodus 1:15-21; Daniel 3:13-18. While we must give honour to whom honour is due, the one who knows the end from the beginning must have pre-eminence in all things at all times Daniel 6:7-10; Acts 15:18; Ephesian 5:...