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Holy Ghost Congress: The Great Turn Around Day 1

Welcome to another season of supernatural experience that empowers to overcome and overtake. Get suited up for the Great Turn Around from the dunghill to the Greater  the heights.

The Holy Congress of this year commences in a few minutes. Join us for live broadcasts everyday for all the sessions.

May your life get that turn around to the perfect plan of God's Heart for you in Jesus name.

God bless you.

Summary of Daddy GO's message for Day One

Topic: The Garment of Praise
Text: Mark 10:46-52

What is TURN AROUND? It means if you have been going backwards, now you begin to go forward or if downwards, you begin to go upward.

Great turn around means opportunities you have lost suddenly makes a turn around and comes back to you.

The great turn around can be found in the story of blind Bartimeus. After his encounter with Jesus, he had several turn arounds in his life.

1. God is a God of individuals. When he created you, he made you uniquely. There is no one else like you. Whenever he does anything, it’s an individual thing he does. Revelations 3:20.  Let your number one focus be yourself during this Congress. You talk about “I/me” and not “We” during crucial programs like this. Psalms 23:1&6.  When it comes to praising the Lord, it’s a personal and an individual matter. Psalms 34:1;103:1;108:8

2. Abraham’s turn around came when he fed God. Genesis 18:1-14 the only food God wants from you is praise.

3. Hannah got her turn around when she made God an offer that he can’t refuse. 1 Samuel 1:1-20. Psalms 50:23 there is an offer God can’t refuse. When you pray and you don’t get an answer, try praise.

4. When you have nothing else to offer God, offer praise. Mark 5:2-20; John 11:39-44

To place your request to God, you must first know Him and acknowledge His authority. If you want your praise to be accepted by God, then you need to be on his side. If you are not on his side, now is the time to do so. Give your life to him and he will accept your praise.

Praise God for ALL he has done for you. Praise Him with the whole of your heart. Remember in all things to give thanks.





TEXT: MARK 10:46-52


Thank You Lord. Let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and begin to bless His holy name, let’s give Him glory, honour and adoration for another congress, let's praise His holy name for keeping us alive till today, magnify His Holy name for what He had done in the past, praise Him for what He is about to do now, give Him glory, honor and adoration, bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords, worship the Ancient of Days, thank You Father, blessed be Your Holy name, in Jesus mighty name we have given thanks. 

+Father, during this congress, please, give me a pleasant surprise that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

We give You all the glory
We give You honour 
We give You all the glory
We give You honour
We give You all the glory
We give You honour 

Almighty God we give You the glory, honour, adoration, thank You for the salvation of our souls, for all the blessings of the past, for what You are going to do this week, Father, accept our worship in Jesus’name, Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Changer, the One whose name is: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Holy One of Israel, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending, the One who Is, who Was and Is to come, the Almighty, glory be to Your holy name, in all our lives; those who are here and those watching all over the world, during this week, Father, please do something new, give everyone of us a very pleasant surprise, at the end of everything let You name be glorified, in Jesus’ Mighty name we have prayed. 

Prophesy to one or two people - You will get your own turnaround this week. You will receive a miracle for everyday of this congress. 

Tonight we just want to praise God, before the night is over you will understand the reason for dancing and jumping.

Mark 10:46-52
46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat bythe highway side begging. 
47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. 
48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.
49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee. 
50 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. 
51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 
52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way. 

+Your garment of shame will be thrown away tonight. 
We will look at this story for the next one week. 
Turnaround means going forward if you have been going backward, going upward if you have been going backward. Great turnaround - when lost opportunity turns around and come back to you. 

Somebody will get his/her own turnaround tonight before I finish preaching. Every opportunity that has passed you by will make a turn around. 
The great turnaround in the story of Bartimaeus.
Something caused Jesus to stand still and call Bartimaeus, He had a turnaround from: 

  • darkness to light.
  • sickness to health 
  • poverty to wealth
  • loneliness to center of attraction
  • barrenness to fruitfulness.
  • unknown to known
  • curses to blessings
  • and his enemies became his messenger. 

  1. God is a God of individual - He made you unique, Revelation 3:20 He focuses on individual whenever He wants to do something. Let your number one focus be yourself this week. Self first is not selfishness. Psalm 23:1,6. Psalm 34:1 Praising God is an individual matter. There has never been a week like this in your lives before and there may not be a week like this again Psalm 103:1, Psalm 108:1-3. This week is an individual matter, is between me and God.
  2. Abraham turnaround came when he fed God. Genesis 1:1-14 .
  3. Hannah got her turnaround when she made God an offer He can’t refuse. 1 Samuel 1:9-12 Do you know that there's an offer that God can't refuse. God cannot say no to praise. Psalm 50:1 Somebody will have a major turnaround tonight shouting the loudest Hallelujah. If prayer fails try praise. 
  4. When you have nothing else to offer God, offer praise. Mark 5:2-20 Let me hear you shout Hallelujah. John 11:39-44 Jesus praised the God of heaven. The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow this week, dry bones will fly. 
Bartimeus said Jesus the son of David, I know You and Your Father. The Almighty God has everything you need. My secret is worshiping God. This is a week of a great turn around that is why we want to start right by praising Him. 


He does not want the praise of the wicked, Proverbs 15:8. If you are not yet born again, not washed in the Blood and still living in sin, come and stand before me. If you want your praise to be acceptable to Him come now. 

  • Tell Jesus to save your soul.
  • Saviour, we just want to say thank You: thank You for Your word, for the power that is in Your blood to wash away sins, please, receive these people who have come, save their souls, forgive all their sins, let Your blood wash them clean
  • Father, I'm praying that from now on You will write their names in the book of life, You will receive them into the family of God and anytime they praise You, receive their praises, if they cry to You for anything, answer them by fire, thank You Almighty God, in Jesus’ Mighty name we have prayed. 

Think of everything that God has done for you and praise Him for life, health, strength, the mouth that can still speak, the eyes that can still see, the hands that can move, the legs that can move, for salvation, for preservation (that you are still in Him till now), He’s worthy to be praised. 

In every tragedy that happened in your life if God could open your eyes to see the greater tragedy that He has saved you from you will praise Him.

In every loss you have suffered, give thanks. The mother of Judas would have praised God if he died as a child. In all things, give thanks.

As we are praising God tonight, prison doors will be opened, yokes will be destroyed and captives will begin to walk free. 

Praise Him, praise Him
King of glory praise Him
Praise Jehovah

***Continue to praise God at long last our turnaround has come.

God bless you!


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