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Special Divine Encounter

You can now join us for this Month's special Divine Encounter. The three days programme would be posted on this single page.

Stay blessed...

Day 1 Highlights

Special @divinencounter
Day 1
Text: 2Kings 4: 8-17
God can make the great greater. Psalm 75:6-7.
In the text, in the beginning the woman was great, by the end she was already greater. God can promote you. 2 Chronicles 1:6-12. Solomon was already a king and great. He gave God a thousand offerings, in return God made him greater. Issac waxed great, Bible says He went forward and after that He became very great. Genesis 26:12-14.
The God who can make greater can make the incomplete complete. Phil 1:6. Phil 4:19. Namaan had every thing but he was a leper. He had a divine Encounter with God and his joy became complete. 2 Kings 5:1-14.
God can take you from Glory to Glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18.
David was a Shepard boy and became Anointed King at Home 1 Samuel 16:11-13
Then he became King of Judah 2 Samuel 2:1-4.
And then became King of Israel (12 tribes) 2 Samuel 5:1-3.
He became Father of the King of Kings. Mark 10:46-52.
God can bless you beyond your desire. Psalm 23:5, Malachi 3:10, Ephesians 3:20. He can bless you even way beyond your best desires.
For God, age is not a barrier for Him. It doesn't matter if you are young, old, small, retired. God can have an encounter with You. 1 Samuel 3:2-4, Exodus 3:1-15, Genesis 18:1-14.

The Shunammite woman got her Miracle because God was saying Thank you to her. She fed the man of God and even built a place for Him to stay.
God always says Thank you. Hebrews 6:10, 11:6, Luke 5:1-7. God will say thank you to those who do great things for Him.
Those who win souls for Him, those who plant churches for Him, those who seek Him Diligently this year, God will say thank you to them.

The first Divine encounter anyone can have is when you give your Life to Him. Matthew 11:28-30.
If you here and you Know about Jesus but yet to know Jesus Himself come and give your life to Him and let Him save your soul. Come now.

Prayer: Father, let me have an encounter with you that will move me from Greatness to Greatness, from Glory to Glory & will make me complete in every aspect of Life in Jesus name.


Credits: @DivineEncounter

Join us again tomorrow...

Day 2 Highlights

Special @divinencounter
Day 2
Text: Exodus 3:1-4

When you Have a Divine Encounter:
1. You begin to hear from God. Just like Moses heard from God in our text.
1 Kings 19:9-12, Revelation 2:7. When you hear from God, it means He will begin to Guide you. Isaiah 30:21, Luke 5:1-7. When God guides on how and where to do business, you are bound to succeed. Genesis 26: 1-14.
2. The days of your enemies become numbered. When Moses had an encounter with God, Pharaoh's days became numbered. He drowned in a matter of days. Exodus 14:1-28.
David had an encounter with God and in a number of days, He killed a Lion 1 Samuel 16:11-13, He killed a Bear 1 Samuel 17:34-37, He conquered Goliath 1 Samuel 17:45-51.
3. He will point helpers to you. John 5:2-9, John 9:1-7.
4. Your Promotion becomes accelerated. Exodus 7:1.
Joshua was just a messenger, God made me the National Leader. Joshua 1:1-8. David was moved from a Shepard boy to being the King. Elisha also became one of the leaders of the sons of the prophet. 2 Kings 2:9-15
When Moses had an encounter with God 4 things happened to Him in just one day. Exodus 4:1-20
1. He saw a Miracle,
2. He touched a Miracle,
3. He experienced a Miracle,
4. He left with power (Rod) of God in His hands.
When God will call for you to have an Encounter, He will you call by your name just like Moses and Samuel.
God is calling to someone here to come and surrender your life to Him. He wants you to have an encounter. Come unto Him!

Father, tonight let me see a miracle, let me touch a Miracle, let me experience a miracle and as I leave here let me carry your miracle-working power with me.


Credits: @divinencounter

See you tomorrow...

Day 3

Day 3 of the Special Divine Encounter with @pastoreaadeboyeofficial
Text: Genesis 27:22-29

God is the Ultimate Father.
He prefers the title of Father even to God. Matthew 6:9, Ephesians 4:6. The first encounter Man had with God was a blessing. He blessed Man. Genesis 1:26. God is powerful but he also likes to delegate. He always wants man to participate in what He's doing. Genesis 2:19, Exodus 14:15-28. When God wanted to do something that has never been done before by bringing dead dry Bones to live again. He delegated it. Ezekiel 37:1-10.

When it comes to Blessing, He delegates the job to Fathers.
He is the Father of fathers and He gives Fathers the job of Blessing their children. Numbers 23:19-20, Genesis 27:33.

The Father's Blessings:
1. It will give you blessings that are not even your own. Genesis 27:22-23, Genesis 48:22-30. It will give you a miracle that you'll never forget. It will also be a diverted miracle.
2. It can propel you to tremendous greatness. That even leftovers will make others so great. Genesis 27:38-40, Genesis 32:3-6.
3. It will make you have unusual help. It will attract Help for you. Genesis 27:29, Psalm 20:1-2.
4. It can alter your level significantly. Deuteronomy 33:17, Genesis 27:29,37. It is possible for someone who is blessed to be Lord even in his family.
5. It can make an ordinary man to be a Nation. Genesis 32:24-38, Numbers 23:19-23.

When Issac wanted to bless Esau, he asked Him to bring something he loves. Genesis 27:14. Nothing that is very good comes cheap. People that know the value of things are ready to pay for it. Those who know the value of the Father's Blessings are ready to pay for it. Genesis 27:5-27.
Today, you are going to ask God to guide you to do something for your fathers (either Biological or Spiritual) that will provoke the Father's Blessings.
First step in getting the Father's Blessing is for you to surrender your life to Jesus.
He has to save your soul for you to be associated with Him. Come to Him now.

Father, it is my turn tonight! It is my turn to be blessed. It is my turn for the Father's Blessing.


Credits: @divinencouter

Stay blessed...


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