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March 2020 Holy Ghost Service:

Good evening Family,

I believe you enjoyed the Messiah's Praise of this year.

Join us in this month's Special Holy Ghost Service.

Day 1





TALK 1 (South West) - Pst Solomon Olorunleke
Topic: Let there be Light part 3
Text: Genesis 1;1-3

Looking at 3 critical things.

What is darkness? 

Darkness is the absence of light because darkness can not be measured or quantified, darkness is an entity.

There are 2 premises in life:
1. The premise of light where God dwells
2. The premise of darkness where the devil dwells

Catalyst for creation

What catalyst do you need to speed up the appearance of light in your life as a believer.
1. You brood with His word, John 1:1-3, there is a creative power in the word of God

2. You brood with your testimonies, your past victories, 1 Samuel 17:34-37.

3. You brood with your praises, Acts 16:25-26

4. You brood by by speaking in the Holy Ghost, Ephesians 6:18

And God Said, Let there be light. 
1. 1 John 1:5, Gos is light Himself 
2. James 1:17, God is the father of light. If God is your father and you are not shinning light, it is an error. You are suppose to express light everywhere you go..
John 1:5, where God is, there is no darkness.
proverbs 4:18

Properties of Light.
Light travels in waves
Light has precision and accuracy, John 1:12
Light has a tremendous speed, Light travels 33000km per seconds 1 Kings 18:46
Light can not be hidden, Mathew 5:14-16

When light comes into your life, things that can not be explained begin to happen.

Isaiah 1:18

My father, my father, purge my heart so that I can reflect the beauty of your wonders to the world.

TALK 2 (South East) - Pastor Mike Nwoke
Isaiah 9:8
Topic: Let there be Light
Text: Genesis 1:1-5, 14-16

Three dimensions took place in the scripture above:
1. The purpose and plan of God for heaven and earth was very clear, Genesis 1:1

2. There was a problem, Genesis 1:2, and the problem is Darkness.

3. Before the problem came, God already has a solution.

And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. A combination of the move of the spirit and the sure word of God is the solution to everyman problem. John 8:12, Mathew 25:1-10 (you need the lamp, which is the word of God and you need the oil which is the spirit).

In order for miracle to persist, you need to combine the movement of the Holy Spirit with the word of God.

What happens when light comes:
1. A new dawn begins, Isaiah 58:8, 10b
2. Joy comes, Psalm 30:5
3. There is deep knowledge and understanding, Psalm 82:5-7, Psalms 119:130
4. Visions and revelation comes, 1 Corinthians 2:9-12
5. Faith is strengthened
6. Strength to arise comes, Isaiah 60:1
7. Speed comes

If you are a citizen, there are three dimension of light
Genesis 1:16, Revelation 22:16

What must I do as light comes,
1. Receive and believe in the light, John 1:8-12, John 3:19
2. You must follow the light, John 8:12. What you follow determines what follows you.
3. Live by the light, 1 John 1:5-7, Ephesians 5:8
4. Shine your light, Isaiah 60:1-8 , 1 Peter 2:9
5. You must turn many to light, Daniel 12:3

TALK 3 (Northern Region) - Dcn Adebayo Akinduyite
Topic: Let there be light part 3
Text: 1 Kings 3:16-24

Two dimensions of light:

-Light as an illumination
-Light as a personality.

Psalm 16:11, Genesis 32:25-26

Night can be explained in two ways:

A period where glorious destiny can be interchanged

A period of unawareness, Mathew 13:25
The best time to command the day is during the night. Psalm 30:5
The sword is the word of God, Hebrew 4:12. Only the sword of God can expose the enemy behind your trouble and your problem.
S- Spirit beside the Word. (S+Word)

The only thing that can bring into reality things done in the secret is the word.

You can see the light, Act 9:1-4, You can touch the light, you can experience the light, Mark 10:46-52. The peak of this light is to become a carrier.

How do you become a carrier of the light.
You can begin to use the word as a sword, you can begin to behold the word in the mirror then you will become light personified. You will become a personality of light.

Destiny can be killed in the night by a careless mother. Quite a lot of destinies have been exchanged in the night, suddenly you begin to wonder why witches meet in the night.

If harlot got to a king and their issues are resolved, and I get to the king of kings and am not a harlot and I am His child, all my issues will be resoled.

How can you be sleeping when your enemies is active. Many of us has not been praying at night.

TALK 4 (South South) - A/P Philip Adebayo
Topic: Let there be light 3
Text: Genesis 1:1-3


1. Light is the answer to darkness. When God spoke, let there be light, there was light. The light came by the spoken work of God

2. The word of God is the light of God, Psalm 119

3. Jesus is the word of God, John 1:1-3
4. Jesus is also the Light, John 1:4-5
John 8:12, 9:5

Bringing equation 2'3'4 together, the word is equal to the light, equal to Jesus

Bringing equation 1, Jesus is the answer to darkness, John 8:12, 12:46

Having establish the truth, darkness can manifest in diverse forms, no matter the masquerading the darkness in your life, Jesus is still the answer.

Manifestations of darkness tormenting the world;
Sin is darkness but Jesus is Light
Poverty is darkness but Jesus is Light
Lack is darkness but Jesus is Light
Death is darkness but Jesus is Light
Failure is darkness but Jesus is Light
Untimely death is darkness but Jesus is Light
Fruitless labour is darkness but Jesus is Light
Sorrow is darkness but Jesus is Light
Pain is darkness but Jesus is Light
Depression is darkness but Jesus is Light
Sicknesses is darkness but Jesus is Light
Corona virus is darkness but Jesus is Light
Ebola is darkness but Jesus is Light
Corruption is darkness but Jesus is Light
Genocide is darkness but Jesus is Light
List of all kinds is darkness but Jesus is Light
Bloodshed is darkness but Jesus is Light
Delay of any type is darkness but Jesus is Light
Shame is darkness but Jesus is Light
Terrorism is darkness but Jesus is Light
Oppression is darkness but Jesus is Light

Darkness comes to oppress, destabilized, scatter what you have gathered, all this can be found in the premise of oppression

Personal oppression 
Religious oppression, 
National oppression

Dose of wisdom quine
When light show face, darkness must run way.

Pastor E. A. Adeboye

In closing, if you are yet to give your life to Christ and you are waiting till tomorrow, who told you there may be a tomorrow, destinies are destroyed at night. If you are yet to give your life to Jesus Christ before the enemies toy with your destiny, you better give your life to Him now before it is too late. to give your life to Jesus Christ before the enemies toy with your destiny, you better give your life to Him now before it is too late.

We shall bring you the full messages later by God's grace.

Credits: +234 706 729 6400

Day 2


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