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Special Sunday Service with E. A. Adeboye: Joy Cometh:

Good morning Famz,

Trust we're all doing great.

Welcome to today's Sunday Service.

God bless you.

Stay Safe.

RCCG SUNDAY SERVICE - April 19, 2020.

Message by: Pastor E.A Adeboye

Worship :

We give all the glory to Jesus
And tell of His Love, His wonderful Love
We give all the glory to Jesus
And tell of His wonderful Love

Information :

We bless the name of the Lord for another Sunday. Please continue to pray for His mercy. I bring good news to you, the return journey to normalcy has begun so that pastors can return to their duty post. The return journey to normalcy will be steady. I humbly suggest, in future they should include in their committee, men of God, the imams and Archbishops so that they can help them in the spiritual warfare. We need to return all the glory to God because we don't want the victories we have won so far to be reversed. We don't want a relapse of this scourge. May I remind you once again, this corona virus will recede. Let nobody deceive you anyway, it is not going to disappear. Let us give all glory back to God so that He will give us a permanent victory.
In all our churches, prayer warriors have been praying for mercy. Please don't stop praying for mercy for Nigeria. We really need to pray about fire outbreaks and floods because we don't want the big one to come to pass. Pray against storms. I’m talking to God and He will have mercy on us.

Topic: Joy Cometh

Text: Psalm 30:4-5

Apart from the fact that Easter signifies a new beginning, one of the biggest message we get from Easter is that Joy is coming. I want to decree to all of you listening to me today,  that joy will come speedily. Amen.

Joy is coming because, there will be a day.

Looking at days from four crucial areas in the life of human being

1. Physically we are saying to the sick, death does not have the last say, it is risen Christ that has the last say. John 11:25, John 11:39-45. Take note, Jesus Christ didn't speak to Death, He simply say, Lazarus come forth, because death is too small for Him to address. Mark 5:25-34.

2. Materially : Poverty does not have the last say, the All Sufficient God is the one who has the last say. Genesis 17:1, He can still turn your last to your beginning, 1 Kings 17:8-16, 2 Kings 4:1-7. I don't know how God will do it but as a result of this lockdown, your fortune is about to change. Amen. John 6:5-13. Poverty does not have the last say, the one who is more than enough is the one that has the last say. I decree to somebody listening to me today, by the time this lockdown is over, your level will change. Amen.

3. Spiritually : Darkness does not have the last say, it is the light that have the last say. Genesis 1:1-3, John 1:4-5, Mark 5:2-20 (classical example of light defeating darkness). I decree to somebody today, it doesn't matter the forces of darkness against you, you shall be free. Amen.

4. Maritally : Barrenness does not have the last say, it is the one who made you, that has the last say, John 1:1-3. He made you and He is the one who has the last say about your fruitfulness, Genesis 1:28, Genesis 18;9-14, Romans 4:19. The resurrection and the life has the last say. Genesis 21:1-7.

For those who are still in the night time. Come to Jesus Christ, He will take you from night to day. Surrender your life to Him today and your life will never remain the same.

Prayer :
Father, let my own morning of Joy come right now.


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