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July 2020 Holy Ghost Service: Let There be Light 7

Good Evening and welcome to another exciting time with God. We pray that the Light of God will seek us all out and place the SpotLight of Greatness, Blessings and Favour upon you and everyone associated with you in Jesus name.

Stay Blessed.



TEXT: ACTS 9:1-6

Blessed be Your Name (2x)
Blessed be Your Name Oh Lord
Blessed be Your Name (2x)
Blessed be Your Name Oh Lord

Jesus is Your name (2x)
Jesus is Your name oh Lord,

TEXT: Acts 9:1-6
[1]And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,
[2] And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
[3] And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:
[4] And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
[5] And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
[6] And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

My Prayer is that the Light of God will shine around you today.
We will be praying some very important prayers tonight.
You will pray like never before that the Almighty God will send light to your life.

In our text, we see how this young man called Saul of Tarsus was committed to Jehovah, he thought he was serving God with all his heart and He thought persecuting Christians; the followers of Jesus, was doing God’s service. He was chairman when they stoned Steven to death. Now on his way to Damascus to arrest anyone; male, female and children who are followers of Jesus Christ so that he can bring them to prison and possibly from prison to death. On the way, the light shone and several things changed.

1.Lord, if i'm going in the wrong direction, let Your light arrest me.

Proverbs 14:12: There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
Many a times we think we are going in the right direction, but we are wrong.
Unless the Almighty God sends His light, we may end in a pit.

Genesis 13:5-13 - Lot saw beautiful land toward Sodom and Gomorrah and chose it, he thought he was clever and chose right.
Genesis 19:12-26 He lost everything he took to Sodom and Gomorrah in one day including his wife.

2 Kings 2:20-25 - When Gehazi saw what Naaman brought to Elisha, he ran after Naaman, he got money, raiment and leprosy.
I’m praying for all of  you my children who are yet to be married, you will not marry a wrong choice.
1 Samuel 25:1-39 - David planned to wipe out Nabal and his household, but Abigail prevented him. The light shone on the path of David; he listened and turned back, some days later Nabal died because God decided to fight for David.

2.Father, send Your light, if i’m riding the horse of pride, bring me down

Daniel 4:1-37 - Nebuchadnezzar was a successful man, pride came in, God sent a warning but he didn't listen. Pride is a very deadly sin. 
James 4:6 - God resists the proud but He gives grace to the humble
Psalm 138:6 - God has respect for the lowly.
Philippians 2:5-12 - The way down is the way up.
If you want to go high you must learn to humble yourself.
Jesus took seven steps down and God raised Him seven steps up. 

If you want to soar high, you must first humble yourself.

1 Kings 19:15-21 - Elisha humbled himself and became a servant of an itinerant prophet.
2 Kings 4:8-17 - Great people begged him to come and eat.
He was controlling the king because he humbled himself.

I’m praying for all of you my children, the light will shine and He will bring you down from the horse of pride

3.Lord, send Your light and let me hear Your voice.

For the first time in Saul's life, he heard God speak when the light shone. 
Revelation 2:7 - Let those who have ears hear, what the spirit is saying to the church.
It’s not everybody who can hear what God’s saying. When God speaks and you can hear, your life will become completely transformed.
John 10:27 - Jesus Christ said my sheep hear my voice.
You are not even sure you are a christian until you beginning to hear from God
If you are not hearing His voice, it puts a question mark on your claiming to be one of His sheep. 

I’m praying for everyone of you listening to me today and everyone who will ever listen to this message that God will send His light and you will begin to hear from God

Because, hearing from God turns the tide for you. 
Exodus 3:1-15 - The day Moses heard from God, His life changed.
1 Samuel 3:1-21- The first day that Samuel heard his name called was the day he began to match forward and become a prophet to the whole nation.

It’s a great thing to hear from God, inability to hear from Him might be dangerous.
Psalm 107:20 - He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
It means if you can't hear His word, you might not be able to get your healing and deliverance.
Isaiah 6:8-10 - when God was talking to Isaiah, He said, let the people be deaf so that they won't hear, so that they won't repent so that I won't be able to heal them.
Romans 10:17 - Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

The Almighty God will send His light and everyone of you will begin to hear from God from now on.

4.God, please, send Your light, change my vision and focus.

Genesis 3:1-7 - the trouble of Eve was what she saw; she saw the forbidden fruit.
Looking in the wrong direction can destroy you.
Judges 16:4-21 and Judges 14:1-3 - The real destroyer of Samson was his eyes; he kept on looking at the wrong things.

Every bait of the enemy that can attract you to destruction, the Almighty God will take our eyes off them.

Colossians 2-  Everyone of you that have risen with Christ, focus on things above.
2 Kings 2:9-15 - Elijah said to Elisha, if you can see me; If you can see the invisible, then, you will get the impossible.
Gehazi got into trouble because he saw the wrong thing while Elisha saw spiritual thing and got a double portion of the spirit of Elijah.

5.Lord, send Your light and knock me down if you consider it necessary.

Acts 9:9 - God knocked down Saul of Tarsus for three days and nights.
Genesis 40:1-23 - Joseph moved from being a dreamer to an interpreter of dreams while he was lockdown in the prison.
1 Kings 17:8-24 - Elijah was lockdown in the house of a widow, he developed spiritually and became the first person to raise the dead.
1 Samuel 22:1-2 - David was locked down in the cave of Adullam and 400 riff-raffs gathered themselves unto him.
2 Samuel 23:9 - By the time the lockdown was over, those riff-raffs had become mighty men. 
Revelation 1:4-20 - John the beloved was lockdown in the Island of Patmos and he got the revelation of everything that was going to happen at the end of the age.
Acts 9:10-12 - while Saul of Tarsus was locked down, God sent a destiny helper to him.

6.Father, at this very moment, send destiny helpers to me.

I believe very firmly that there’s someone among my children that the one who’s going to help your destiny is already on the way.
The light of God will shine on Him wherever he may be, and God will quicken his step

1 Samuel 16:1-13 - The light has shone for David but he didn’t realise it.
1 Samuel 19:15-21 - The destiny changer was on the way for Elisha while he was ploughing
2 Kings 5:1-14 -The first destiny helper that Naaman got was the house help. 

7. Lord, send destiny helper to me, if he’s already in my home, let light shine on him.

In 1 Samuel 16, we see the story of David in the bush and how Samuel came to anoint him in his father’s house.
David was in the bush but his destiny helper was already in the house.
2 Kings 5:1-14 The first destiny helper that Naaman got was the house help. We see how Gehazi was Naman’s destiny helper when he advised him to obey the instructions of the house help.

As the Light of God shines on you today, your destiny helper will locate you.

Acts 19:13-21. The story of Annanais and Saul of Tarsus and how God used Annanais to help Saul fulfil his purpose.
God has a purpose for every man’s life and sometimes for that purpose to be fulfilled, He might need to lock you down, or bring you down from the proud place. Sometimes, He needs to send helpers to you.
Philippians 3:7-15- Paul surrendered to God’s will so he could easily pay the price for the assignment.

8.God, give me the grace to pay the price.

A lot of people carry the opinion that you don’t need to pay any price. They might be right because many people run the race but only one person emerges the winner.
Be reminded that in the same race, they don’t give medals to failures.
Your preparation is what determines where and how you will end up. You pay the price to be the best and you don’t just strive to be the best, but the very best.

Luke 5:33-35 - The Lord said his disciple will fast until He returns again.
1 Thessalonians 5:17- Pray without ceasing.
Daniel 6:1-3 - It’s not pride, if you to be the very best among the best.

Surrender your life to god like Saul of tarsus and the purpose of god for your life will be fulfilled.

Father, those of us who have already surrendered our lives to You, we are going to be crying to You now, please Lord, send Your light. If we are going in the wrong direction, arrest us tonight. If pride is going to stand between us and You, Lord God Almighty, bring us down. Let’s hear Your voice.
Lord God Almighty, change our visions.
Let our focus be on You now. If You have to lock us down to achieve Your purpose, Father go ahead. Send a helper of destiny to fulfill Your purpose in our lives, in Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.


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