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Holy Congress 2020: It's Time to Fly


Praise the Lord!!!

The much awaited Holy Ghost Congress is finally here. We would not be having daily congress post like we normally do, we want to have all the contents on this single post, so, expect a very lengthy post at the end of the Congress. We would also try to have transcripts of the messages by our Father in the Lord, Pastor E. A. Adeboye included at the end of each day's video post.

Kindly recall, the first four days will be virtual but the Final day will be an All Night service featuring the Holy Communion Service, the Holy Ghost Service and the Anointing Service all live at the Redemption Camp. Please come to the Camp Ground complying with all COVID-19 regulations, using face masks or face shields and with you hand sanitizers. Let's also ensure we observe social distancing en-route and on the Camp Grounds.

If you won't be able to make it to the camp for the Friday's All Night Service, fret not, for we got you covered. You can always join us on our blog for live feeds of the event.

So, let's spread our Wings for Take-Off, because It's Time to Fly.

Day 1 Morning Session

Day 1 Evening Session

Highlights of the Evening Session

Topic: Flying High
Bible Text: John 12:32

Praises are in categories 
  1. Praise offered to God when you want to say thank God my past is gone. Exodus 15:1-21. Praise offered by survivors. When they are sure that their survival is a settled matter.
  2. Praise offered by those who can say thank God my shame is over. 1 Samuel 2:1-10. Praise that comes from those who are successful, those that the world has written off.
  3. Praise that is offered by those whose enemies have become their servants. Acts 16:25-34. I decree to everyone participating in this Congress by the time this Congress is over, all your enemies will become your servants.
  4. Praise when your enemies are completely humiliated. Acts 16:35-39. By the time this Congress is over, your enemies will beg you. In the name that is above every other name, your enemies will beg you.
  5. Praise when you discover that your enemies have killed themselves. 2 Chronicles 30:1-23.
  6. Praise when the enemies wealth have been transferred to you. 2 Chronicles 20:24-25. 
  7. Praise that will demolish every obstacle that the enemy will put on your way. Joshua 6:20-26. I decree, every force that has been standing against you, those forces will be destroyed in Jesus Name.
  8. Praise that will ensure that your promotion is permanent. 2 Samuel 6:14-22, 2 Samuel 7:1-16. I have good news for somebody, not only will God promote you and take you very high, you, your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will forever be great.
  9. Praise that will cause you to fly. John 12:32
Let us praise God like we have never done before. You yourself will know that you’re in a higher level. You are not where you used to be.
The only one who shouldn’t think of praising God is a sinner.


Day 2 Morning Session

Day 2 Afternoon Session

Day 2 Evening Session

Highlights of the Evening Session

Text: Ephesians 2:1-7

Man was originally created to be a highflier. Genesis 1:26-28.
God gave man dominion over all the creatures. 

Financially, mentally, martially, and spiritually, he was a highflier because he was wearing the glory of God.

The fall of man brought: 
  • Fear. 1 John 4:18
  • Shame. Proverbs 3:35
  • Curses. Numbers 22:1-6
  • Separation from God
  • Death. Genesis 4:8
  • The Flood. Genesis 6:5-7

Sin is a killer. Do not toy with sin.
Due to the fulfilled promise that Jesus has come to save His people from sin, man can lift up his head and say:
  1. “All curses are gone!” Galatians 3:13-14
  2. “No more fear”. Hebrews 2:14-15
  3. “I don’t need to die anymore”. John 14:19
  4. No more hardship. John 10:10
  5. "Separation from God becomes a thing of the past." Hebrews 3:5, Colossians 1:27

  • You will look up to Jesus Christ in faith, you will fly out of sickness, fear of death, loneliness
  • For those who are saved, the time has come for you to fly out of obscurity, corruption, company of sinners, and a life of impurity. Romans 6:1-2.
  • The person that belongs to God does not sin. You cannot be a child of God and not be different.
  • You cannot be a child of God and continue to lie, steal, fornicate or crack rotten jokes.
  • To fly is expensive, there’s a price to pay to be a child of God. 
  • If you really want to fly, you must make up your mind that there’s no going back.
  • If you want to fly, you have to stop hiding your identity as a Christian.
  • Those who conform don’t stand out!

You can’t be a true child of God and not witness; witnessing not only through your words but through your actions.

#ItIsTimeToFly #RCCGHGC2020

Day 3 Morning Session

Day 3 Afternoon Session

Day 3 Evening Session

Highlights of the Evening Session

Topic: Deliverance 
Text: Psalm 91:5-10

Bondage is anything that doesn’t allow you live your life abundantly; anything that hinders your progress.

It can be in various forms:

1. Bondage to Sickness. John 5:2-9
2. Bondage to Poverty. Proverbs 22:7, 10:15
3. One could be in bondage maritally speaking. Genesis 30:1
4. Spiritual Bondage. Matthew 15:21-28

Deliverance can be in various forms:

+ The Almighty God can deliver you, when you’re passing through a problem. Daniel 3:13-30.
+ The Almighty God can cause you to fly over the problem. 2 Kings 4:1-7
+ The Almighty God can stop the trouble before it gets to you. Acts 9:1-9
+ You can be dealing with trouble from a position of strength. 2 Kings 2:9-14

There’s something called superiority complex. Where you look at your enemy like they don’t matter at all.
In the mighty Name of Jesus, you will get to that stage.

+ Deliverance that can be called flying in nature. Isaiah 54:15, Deuteronomy 28:7

All your enemies are infra dignitatem (far below my dignity). Ephesians 1:16-23

Safety is of the Lord.
We trust in the Almighty God and we are standing firm.

Trust in the Almighty God!
You can enjoy deliverance if you are a child of God.

Prayer Points
1. Claim all your rights as a child of God
2. Cry to Him and ask Him to give you wings to fly above bondage. 

#ItIsTimeToFly #RCCGHGC2020

Day 4 Morning and Afternoon Sessions

Day 4 Evening Session


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