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MEMORY VERSE: ‘’For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh" - Ephesians 5:31

BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 19:3-32


Having discovered that marriage and family relationship should be precious with the various responsibilities of the husband, wife and even children, sometimes, some marriages still hit the rock. It is a known fact that life as well as marriage is not always a bed of roses. However, if Christ is permitted to reign in the "ship" of any marriage/family, no storm will be able to overcome it. In this lesson, we shall be discussing some fundamental challenges truncating the will of God for mankind in family relationship.


1. Divorce and God's remedy
2. Other family challenges and remedies
3. Separation


Divorce is not the will of God for the family (Malachi 2:16). Many things could be responsible for divorce among which are: failure to actually leave and cleave to the wife as instructed (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6), giving the devil a place (Ephensians 4:27; 1Peter 5:7-9). The devil can come through gossip, false prophecy and suspicion (1John 4:1). Other things responsible for divorce include extravagance and worldliness (Ephesians 5:22-31; Romans 12:1-2), comparing your family with others, criticism and failure to forgive (2Corinthians 12:5; John 17:20), and lack of love and affection (Ephesians 5:25-28; Titus 2:4).


Other challenges include the wife usurping the duty of the husband. This is not God's pattern (1Peter 3:4-7; Colossians 3:18-20). The head of the family is the seat of duty. When the headship of the husband is challenged, he should turn to the Lord Jesus in prayer. Otherwise, pride sets in (John 13:3-5; 1Samuel 1-9-19). The Lord's command is that we have faith in God (Mark 11:22-23) otherwise help centered on unbelief will not be acceptable in God's sight (Romans 14:23). Polygamy is another challenge. It is not allowed by God (Genesis 29:29-32). Family income budgeting can also be a challenge. The family should avoid being in bondage to creditors (Romans 13:8).


Marriage is intended by God to be a lifetime affair. In case of fornication or life threatening confrontations, separation may occur (Matthew 5:31-32; Romans 7:2-3) temporarily while the underlying issues are being addressed.


Jesus can make all things right. Hand over your family to God today.


1. Justify why divorce is not of God.
2. Mention some family problems and God's remedy.
3. Is separation allowed by God?


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