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February 2021 Holy Communion Service: God Bless You Part II


Praise the Lord! 

As we continue in the 21 Days Fasting and Prayers for Mercy, we proceed to eating the very special meal, the meal that empowers.

Stay Blessed.

#StaySafe #RCCGHCS #VirtualService



TEXT: LUKE 24:28-31



Let’s pray!


🎷I will praise Him from everlasting, everlasting to everlasting

I will praise Him from everlasting, everlasting to everlasting

📯I will bless Him from everlasting, everlasting to everlasting

I will bless Him from everlasting, everlasting to everlasting

🎺I will love Him from everlasting, everlasting to everlasting

I will love Him from everlasting, everlasting to everlasting

Father Almighty, we want to bless Your name once again. We want to give You all glory and honour for bringing us into a new month. We thank You for everything You did in January. We thank You in advance for what You will do in February. Thank You for bringing us together again to dine with You, please, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Even as we dine with You today, Father, please, do something very special in all our lives. In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.


Praise the Lord.




28 And they drew nigh unto the village, whither they went: and he made as though he would have gone further.

29 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. And he went in to tarry with them.

30 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.

31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.

LUKE 24:28-31 is the story of two men who were going to a village called Emmaus. As they were going on the way, the Lord joined them but they couldn't recognise Him. On the way, they talked and talked. Finally, when they got near the village, Jesus made a move as if He wanted to continue but the men told Him to abide with them and continue His journey tomorrow and He agreed. As they sat down to eat, He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, just as He did during the last supper and gave it to them. As soon as they received the bread, their eyes were opened.

One of the advantages of flying high is that you are able to see beyond what you can see if you are on the ground.

The higher you go, the more you will see.


God will open your eyes.

The Lord needs to open our eyes so that we can see challenges as opportunities

In Numbers 14:1-9, Caleb and Joahua told the people of Israel that the giants in the land are bread for them.

The Lord needs to open our eyes so that we can see challenges as opportunities and giants as bread.

God, open my eyes to see the needy as an open door to my destiny.

In Acts 8:5-8, Philiip turned challenges to opportunities at Samaria.

In Acts 21:8, Phillip saw the needy as an open door to his destiny.


God, open my eyes so I can see the needy as an open door to my opportunity.

Matthew 17:24-27. 


Lord, open my eyes. Show me the river inside which there is a fish that has my money in its mouth.

Just one convert can make all the difference in your life.

Acts 3:1-8.


Father, open my eyes and let me see what will put an end to my stagnation.

2 Kings 2:9-15.


i. Lord, open my eyes so that I can get answers to my difficult prayers. 

ii. Lord, open my eyes so that I can be able to move into the overflowing power of God.

iii. As we break the bread tonight, may the Almighty God open the eyes of all of us in Jesus’ name.


Since you know that the Holy Communion is not an ordinary meal.

Since you know that the bread of children is not meant for dogs. I appeal to you, if you have not given your life to Jesus’ Christ, do so now.

If you want to give your life to Jesus, bow your head and pray.


Cry unto God: Lord, God Almighty, have mercy on me. Save my soul. I want to become one of Your children. I want to be able to partake of the Lord’s table. Save my soul, forgive my sin and I will serve You for the rest of my life.

Intercede for them: Those of us who are saved, lift them up to God in prayer.

My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name. I want to thank You once again  for these people who are surrendering their lives to You. Lord, please, save their souls, have mercy on them, let Your blood wash away their sins. Lord, God Almighty, write their names in the Book of Life. Receive them into the family of God. Anytime they cry unto You, please, answer them my fire. In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.


Praise the Lord. 




The Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Lord, have mercy on me and open my eyes.


After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Lord, have mercy on me, open my eyes physically, mentally and spiritually.


Ask God for something special you want Him to do for you in the month of February.


So Father Almighty, we want to bless Your name once again. Thank You for the opportunity to dine with You, please, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. My Father and my God, I'm committing Your children all over the world into Your hands, if they have eye problems, Father, give them brand new eyes. If they have problems with their memory, Lord, God Almighty, give them brand new brains. If spiritually they are not seeing You clearly, Father, open their spiritual eyes. Whatever special miracle they want from You this month, even by tomorrow Holy Ghost Service, let them testify. Father, bless the offerings of Your children, sanctify it and open our eyes to mighty opportunities. Even before the end of this month, let there be mighty breakthroughs. In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.


If you believe God has opened your eyes, let me hear you shout Hallelujah.



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