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February 2021 Thanksgiving Service: Sunrise


 Praise the Lord!

Thank God for our Spiritual Father and Mother who are celebrating 40years as General Overseer an Mother-In-Israel of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Now, let's gladly go into the SUNRISE 🌄🌅.






TEXT: PSALM 103:1-5



Thank You Lord.

Shall we just lift our hands to the Almighty God and begin to bless His Holy name. Let’s give Him glory, honour and adoration. Let’s bless His Holy Name for everything He has done for us since the beginning of this year.

Let’s thank Him for what He has done for us in the past forty years. He is worthy to be praised, honoured and magnified. There is no one like Him. He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending. The One who was, who is and the who is to come. The Unchangeable Changer. The Faithful One. The Holy One of Israel. Let’s bless His Holy name. Give Him glory, honour and adoration today. He is worthy to be praised. He is the Father of all fathers. He is the God of the first born, let’s bless His holy name. Thank You Father. Thank You Lord. In Jesus' mighty name we have worshipped.

Let’s bless the name of the Lord on behalf of all first born and pray that God will give them a sunrise; a new beginning and a new day of glory. It will be well with them. Their sun will rise. The Almighty God will prosper everyone of them and make each one of them a blessing to their family.

Father, out of your infinite mercy, let it be well with me, let it be well with my family, let it be well with the church of God and let it be well with our nation. In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed. 



🎷We give all the glory to Jesus

And tell of His love, His wonderful love

We give all the glory to Jesus

And tell of His wonderful love

Ancient of Days, we worship You. The One whose name is Faithful, we worship You. Our great Saviour, Supporter, Provider, Friend, King, Lord and Defender. The Ancient of Days. The Unchangeable Changer. The Holy One of Israel. The One who is Higher than the highest, Greater than the greatest, Wiser than the wisest and Richer than the richest, glory be to Your Holy Name. 

This morning Lord God Almighty, we want to say thank You. Thank You for The Redeemed Christian Church of God. Thank You, for the one You used as our founder, Pa Josiah Akindayomi. Thank You for his family. Thank You for Your faithfulness and covenant with Him, Father, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Thank You for all You have done in the past forty years and what You will do in the future, please, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name.

My Lord and my Saviour, we commit all the first born into Your hands, bless and protect them. Let them be greater than their parents. Let them become mighty leaders. Leaders in their family, town, country, and the house of God. Please, give them a sunrise. 

As for Your children who have been faithful, in the payment of their tithes and the giving of their offerings, My Lord and my Saviour, I pray that today like never before, You will visit them. Embarrass them with Your blessings. Even before the end of this month, give them mighty breakthroughs. 

Lord God Almighty, I’m crying unto You again on behalf of our nation, Nigeria, please Lord, have mercy on Nigeria. In Your own miraculous way, use the new heads of services: Army, Navy, Air Force and Defence Staff for Your glory. Father, help them.

Because everything that has a beginning must have an end, let terrorism be over soon in Nigeria. Whatever You have to do to bring peace, progress, prosperity, joy and harmony to our nation, Father, do it very quickly.

As for Your children who are here today and all those who are listening to us all over the world, Father, I pray today will be a new beginning for them. A new beginning of joy, peace, success, progress, promotion, anointing, of a closer walk with You and of divine power. Thank You my Father and my God. If You delay Your coming, in another ten years, we will all be here, healthy, strong, closer to You, more powerful in You and doing greater exploits for You. Thank You Father. In Jesus' marvelous name we have prayed.


Let somebody shout Hallelujah.




1 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.


Sunrise means a new beginning of glory.


i. For all of you who are first born, get ready for a new beginning in Jesus’ name.

ii. For all of you first born, your glory begins from now on.

iii. For all first born, your joy begins.

Sunrise is different from a new dawn. 


I want to thank God for a new beginning.

I want to thank God for my wife.

I want to thank God for my father-in-the Lord, Papa Josiah Akindayomi. I want to thank God for a man who can hear from God.

We are operating under the covenant God gave Josiah Akindayomi.

Once your head is good, all is well with the body. We had a good head who had a covenant with God.

I thank God for the members of RCCG and those who will join because whether the devil likes it or not, the Lord will see you through. 

I want to thank God for Pastors all over, you are not in RCCG by accident.


The journey for the past forty years has not been smooth and easy, because there has been times of pain, agony, sorrow and betrayal, but one thing kept us, God gave us the ability to hear from Him.


I'm decreeing concerning everyone of you my children, from now on, in the name that is above every other name, you will be hearing from God.

You need guidance and someone who knows the way if you are travelling on a journey you have not traveled before.


i. The One who is my source will be your source also.

ii. To those of you who think you are small now, in the name of the One who called me, you will be greater than you can think.


Whatever has been causing you to worry, in the name that is above every other name, it will end today.


Concerning all my children, beginning from today, in every facet of your life, you'll be going higher.


Pray for yourself not to mess around with God. You are to workout your salvation with fear and trembling.

God is love and a consuming fire.

My faithful Daddy says, “The Redeemed Christian Church of God is mine, I can take care of My own and I will take care of My church”.


It doesn't matter what the enemy within and without may try, God will take care of you.


Come and surrender your life to Jesus and the God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God will take care of you.


Talk to the Almighty God: ‘Save my soul. I want to become part of Your family. I want to become a true child of the living God. Have mercy on me, forgive all my sins and I will serve You all the days of my life'.

Let’s intercede for them that the One who saved our souls will save their souls and the God who have been merciful unto us will be merciful unto them.

Saviour, I want to thank You for Your word, Your faithfulness and for supporting all of us all these years, please, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. As for Your children who are surrendering their lives to You now, please, receive them, save their souls and wash them in Your blood. Write their names in the Book of Life. Receive them into the family of God so that from now on, anytime they cry to You, You will answer them by fire. Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.


Praise the Lord.



Father, You who have been supporting this Your son, I cry unto You today, let my sun rise.



📯1. Redeemed - how I love to proclaim it through 

Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb

Redeemed through His infinite mercy

His child and forever I am


Redeemed, Redeemed

Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb;

Redeemed, Redeemed

His child and forever I am

🎺2. Redeemed, and I am so happy in Jesus

No language my rapture can tell;

I know that the light of His presence

With me doth continually dwell

🎻3. I think of my blessed Redeemer,

I think of Him all the day long:

I sing, for I can not be silent;

Hs love is the theme of my song

🎸4. I know I shall see in His beauty

The King in whose law I delight;

Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps,

And giveth me song in the night


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