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February 2021 Holy Ghost Service: God Bless You Part II


Congratulations Beloved,

Welcome to the second Holy Ghost Service for this year 2021. We are still digging into the Theme God Bless You. In this second Part may God's Hands be Mighty on you and yours in Jesus name. Amen.


#StaySafe #HGS #Virtual





Let’s pray!


The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob

Jehovah the Man of war

His mercy endureth forever and ever

Oh praise His Holy Name


Father Almighty, we want to worship You because just like yesterday another month is gone in this new year. Thank You for bringing us to the second month of the year 2021. Thank You for all the blessings we have received in the new year. Thank You because we know our tomorrow will surely be alright. Thank You for the period of fasting, the phase one, where Your children have been thanking You. Thank You that You have accepted our thanks, Lord, please, accept us again in Jesus’ name. Lord, God Almighty, even as we step into the new month, we ask for Your mercy, please, be merciful unto us. Be merciful unto our families. Be merciful unto Your church. Be merciful unto our nations. Lord, be merciful unto us. Even as we continue today, we pray specially for Your children who are born in the month of February. February is the second month of the year, so we are asking Lord God, Almighty for double blessings for everyone of them. Give them double testimony and promotion. In every area of their lives Father, bless them double. In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.


Praise the Lord.



The Special Holy Ghost Service in March is going to be virtual. The theme is ‘GOD BLESS YOU PART 3’ and the subtitle is ‘I WILL LIFT UP MY EYES’.



28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.


I’m going to start straightaway by saying, “God bless you”.

The Bible talked about Melchizedek.

Hebrews 7:1-3.

The Bible called Jesus Christ a priest after the order of Melchizedek.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Mathematically, Jesus belongs to the same set as Melchizedek.

Melchizedek has no beginning and ending.

Whatever has no beginning can not have an ending.

Anything that has a beginning must have an ending.


Any crisis in your life that has a beginning will end tonight.


1. In Mark 5:25-34, the woman with the issue of blood bled for twelve years. Because the issue of blood had a beginning, it had an end one day. 


Whatever is wrong with you physically that you can remember when it started will end today in Jesus’ name.

2. In Luke 13:11-17, Satan bound a woman for eighteen years with the spirit of infirmity. Because the bondage had a beginning it came to an end after eighteen years.


In the name that is above every other name, that reproach in your life (that problem in your life that can not be hidden) because it has a beginning will end tonight.

3. In John 5:2-9, the man at the pool of Bethesda suffered sickness, failure, defeat, loneliness and going round in circles for thirty eighty years.


i. Those of you who had failed again and again, because your failure had a beginning, it will end tonight.

ii. Because your defeat had a beginning, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, it will end today.

iii. Those of you who have been lonely all these years, your loneliness had a beginning, this very night, your loneliness will end.

4. In Acts 3:1-8, the lame man at the Beautiful Gate had been stagnant for more than forty years.

He was stagnant and poor for more than forty years.

He had been on the wrong side of the door of the temple for more than forty years but it came to an end one day because the problem had a beginning.


In the name that is above every other name, every form of stagnation, poverty and almost succeeding in your life will come to an end today.

5. In 2 Kings 4:1-7, the widow that was heavily in debt cried to God, the poverty came to an end in a single day and she never had to be poor again.

When God put an end to a problem in your life, He made the ending permanent.


In the name that is above every other name, every problem that God is ending in your life today will be permanently ended.

Any form of crisis that has a beginning must clearly come to an end.

6. Job 1:6-12 Because Job's crisis had a beginning, it ended.

Job 42:10 And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. 


Every crisis in your life because they have a beginning will end tonight.


Terrorism has a beginning.

7. In 1 Samuel 17:1-51, Goliath terrorised the nation of Israel for forty days. One day, the terror that started with one man ended when the man lost his head.


Sooner than later, terrorism will be forgotten in Nigeria.

In 2 Kings 6 & 7, no matter how long a siege may last, it must end.


i. In the name that is above every other name, every evil force that is laying a siege on your family will be put to shame tonight.

ii. Every enemy laying a siege to you ends today.

iii. Every force that won't let you breath and move freely, move forward and move upward, in the mighty name of Jesus’ Christ, they shall be defeated.

iv. Every force that is laying a siege on our nation shall be disappointed.


He began before the beginning.

Where is God?

He is in heaven, Isaiah 66:1.

He is in your heart, 1 John 4:4.

Where was God before He created heaven?

In Job 38:1-4, There are certain things beyond human understanding.

Your brain is too small to take in everything that God is.

Habakkuk 2:4, The just shall live by faith.

You have to put your brain aside and just have faith in God.

There are several things that God will do for you that will defy explanation.

You can't find out His foundation.

You can’t find out fully His methodology.

You can't keep on askinging “how will God do this for me?”

There are certain things beyond human understanding.

You have no explanation for the lame jumping up to walk.

You have no scientific explanation for the blind having two brand new eyes.

You don't have the capacity to understand the Almighty God.

If you are willing to receive it without asking how.

Isaiah 3:10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. 


How? You may noy know. What God will do to bring it to pass, you may not know, but your tomorrow will be alright.


The God who is going to bless you is not an ex-champion.

In Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not.

In Lamentation 3:22-23, God is a reigning champion.



He cured the incurable before.

2 Kings 5:1-14, He cured Naaman of leprosy.

Matthew 8:1-3.


Every plant God has not planted in you will be uprooted today.

In Exodus 17:1-7, the Children of Israel were thirsty in the wilderness, the Lord showed Moses a rock and water came out of the rock

In Numbers 20:1-12, water came out of another rock.


He can produce something out of nothing.

He can meet your needs in His own miraculous way.


In the name of God that I serve, all your needs will be constantly met.


Can He release power to somebody who is thirsty for it?

In Acts 2:1-4, He fulfilled the promise He made in Acts 1:8.

Can He do it again? 

Acts 8:14-17.

If you cry unto God tonight, He will grant your request.

One of the greatest blessings of being a child of God is that He can fill you till overflowing with His power.


If you want the power of God, you must be born again.

If you are listening and you will love to give your life to Jesus Christ, bow your head and pray.


Cry to Him: ‘Ask the Almighty God to have mercy on you, save your soul and wash you clean in His blood and that you will serve Him from now’.

Let’s intercede for them.

My Father and my God, I want to bless Your holy name for Your word. I want to thank You for all those who have decided to surrender their lives to You today. Please, Lord God Almighty, receive them all. Have mercy on them. Wash them clean with Your blood. Save their souls Lord. Write their names in the Book of Life. Lord, as they cry to You for anything from now on, answer them by fire. In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.



1. Thank God like never before.

Thank Him in faith because you know your problems are over.

2. For those who are yet to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, cry to God to be baptised in the Holy Ghost today.

For those who have been baptised in the Holy Spirit before, cry to the Almighty God: Baptise me again with the Holy Spirit and fire and anoint me afresh Oh Lord. 


The Lord said:

1. Before this fasting is over, there will be evidence that you have obtained mercy.

2. Very soon, many people will testify that you have been a blessing to them.

3. One day, people’s prayer will be ‘God, bless me as You have blessed this child of yours’.

4. Before the fasting is over, you will get seven major miracles.

5. The storm you are passing through will not blow you away.

6. You need to be closer to Me like never before, so that the prosperity coming your way might not destroy you.

7. Your family anthem will soon be ‘Hallelujah is the heavenly language’, because I will turn your home to heaven on earth.


My Father and my God, I want to thank You once again. Thank You for Your word. Thank You for revelation knowledge. Thank You for being so good and kind to us, Father, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. In a moment, Your children will be coming before You in thanksgiving and in a very special request for Your power. Everyone of us, Father, beginning with me, fill us afresh with Your power tonight. Power to do mighty things: to save souls, to heal the sick, to open blind eyes, to make the lame walk and to raise the dead, Lord, release that power to us in Jesus’ name. Father, bless the offerings of Your children, sanctify it and use it for Your glory. The power to get wealth, Almighty God, release to Your children tonight. Father, we are looking forward to next month, as the period of the Special Holy Ghost Service. My Lord and my Saviour, next month, the kind of miracle You have never done before, please perform in our lives. Whenever Your children are going, please, go with them. Answer their prayers by fire tonight. In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.


Let someone shout Hallelujah!



🎷1. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I am blessed by the King of all kings

I am blessed in the morning

I am blessed in the evening

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God


Are you blessed

By my God

Are you blessed by the great El-Shaddai

Are your sorrows over

Are your curse reversed

You can then shout Halleluyah

📯2. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I am blessed by the Lord of all lords

I am blessed in my going

I am blessed in my coming

I am blessed all over, I am blessed by my God

🎵3. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I am blessed by the Maker of all things

I am blessed in my body

I am blessed in my soul

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God

🪕4. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I am blessed by the Owner of all things

I will never hunger

Nor lack anything

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God

🎶5. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I am blessed by the greatest Friend of all

He will never leave me

Never forsake me

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God

📯6. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I am blessed whether day or at night

I am blessed in my waking

I am blessed in my sleeping

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God

🎺7. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I am blessed whether home or at work

I am blessed in my standing

I am blessed in my sitting

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God

🎹8. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

When He speaks it is done forever

I am blessed forever

His words never change

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God

🎻9. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

He who He blessed can never be cursed

My blessings are settled

No more curse for me

I am blessed, I am blessed by my God

🎸10. I am blessed all over, I am blessed by God

I can shout Halleluyah to my God

To Jesus, Halleluyah

Forever, Hallelujah

Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, I am blessed


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