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Holy Ghost Service (November)

November Holy Ghost Service:

Theme: Victory Ahead

Ministering: Pastor E A Adeboye.

Let Somebody shout Hallelujah

Part A

War is not like a game of football. There is nothing call draw in war, it is either you win or you lose. Life is war, from the day you are born till you see God is glory, it is warfare.
In Psalm 35:19, David prayed an instructive prayer. There are wrongful enemies and there are enemies who just want to be your enemies. By implication, there are rightful enemies.

There are 3 ways God can deal with human beings
1. Judges 6:1-5, God can handover someone to the enemies. When enemies are enemies appointed by God, then they are rightful enemies, enemies divinely appointed by God. This type of enemy cannot be won no matter your prayer.
Deut 28:15-25,

2. God will remain neutral. He won't attack you and He won’t fight you. Judges 16:18-21. This happens whenever you fail to heed God's warning. When He warns you and you don't listen, He will keep quiet and remain neutral and this is very dangerous. Isaiah 3:10-11.
3. In the other hand, God can defend and arise for you, Isaiah 41:10-13. When God decide to defend you, you can't loose any battle and the enemies are in trouble. This happens when you obey Him Deut 28:1-7, Psalm 68:1. If you are not a child of God, God can not arise for you.

Prayer: Father, this very moment, do something in my life that I will never forget
Text: Psalm 30:1-5
In the name that is above any other name, today is the last time you will weep. Amen

Part B

In every war, there is always a turning point. The turning point could be for the better in which cases, victory will soon come or in the other ways, we know what it is.
In Christianity, turning point comes when you know that it is only God that can do it. Proverbs 21:31. The moment you realise your wisdom, connections, wealth, experience will fail you, the day you realise beyond any doubt that victory can only comes from God, there will be turning point, the tide begins to turn. Mark 4:41, God can defat any enemy either by land or sea. God can defeat any enemy by air, Joshua 10:10-11. When you know that God alone can give you victory, when you have opportunity to pray, you will pray your way out. The moment you focus on God alone in prayer, without focusing on any man then you can say victory ahead. Genesis 32:3-12, 24-29. Jacob wrestle with God all night. Genesis 33:1-4
When you go to God in a tensed prayer, it is most likely that God will have spoken to you, Genesis 33:28, when you pray like a warrior, God will speak either dire fly or sending His messenger,Joshua 5:13-15, 6:1-5, when you cry to God intensely, He may speak to you through His prophets, 2 kings 7:1-11, Psalm 107:20. The moment God speaks, then you know that the tide turns and victory is ahead.

Prayer: Father, please speak to me tonight

For someone, only one more cry is needed and victory will come. Exodus 14:15-18, 1 Chronicle 4:10, Mark 10:46-52, God still answer prayers, Jeremiah 33:3, He is still able to do exceedingly great things more than what we ever ask or imagine, Ephesians 3:20.

Prayer: Father, you must answer me today

For someone, it might not be one more cry, it might just be one more praise, 2 Chronicles 20:20-25. What someone needs for the tide to turn is praise, Psalm 67:5-7, Joshua 6:20, just one praise brought down the wall of Jericho. John 4:23:24

1. God said there is a woman here, He said, That pregnancy will not abort

2. God said there is someone here, HE said, The spirit of indebtedness will be driven away from you tonight

Prayer: Father, if no body will praise you, I will praise you tonight. Go ahead and Praise the Lord

For someone, it was just for one more cry, one more praise, for another, it is just one more declaration of your faith in God. The tide turn for Job, Job 19:25-26, The tide turned for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Daniel 3:16-18

Prayer: Father, I hereby declare, my own will not be impossible with you

For someone, what remains for the battle to turn to your favour is one more act of faith, Mark 2:1-12, 5:25-34, 2 Kings 4:1-7, 5:1-14

Prophesy: The Lord said the someone here, you will never go lower than you are now.

The Lord said, I will change your darkness to Light.

The Lord said if you serve me better I will reward you with long life.

Prayer: Father, I raise this hand to you Lord, these are hands of victory

For someone, what God is waiting for is just one more act of obedience. 1Kings 17:8-16, Luke 5:1-7.

For some of us what God is waiting for is to win just one more soul, John 15:16.

Prophesy: The Lord said, from now on, every witch in your family will not be able to fly again.

Prayer: Father, I will obey you Lord, please open the door to my victory.

Prophesy: The Lord said, I breath on the red sea and it parted, the Lord said I will breath in your favour.

The Lord said, those who doubt your victory will see it but will not partake of it.

The Lord said there is someone here tonight, He said I am the burden bearer, I will carry you and your burdens.

The Lord said, the door is opening already.

For someone, the only thing needed for the tide to turn is one more restitution, Joshua 7;1-12, Numbers 23:19, Amos 3:3, 1 Peter1:15-16,Galathians 2:17
Prayer: Father, please give the grace to fully restitute my ways.


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