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Text: Genesis 1:26-31
Memorise: Mathew 19:30

• A look at the creation story as recorded in Genesis Chapter 1 shows that man, the most important of God’s creation, was created on the sixth day.
• He was the last of God’s creation, even though he was the most significant. After man was created, God then rested from His work.
✔️ One vital lesson here is that being first may not always mean being the most important, while being the last may not always mean that you’re the least important. {Luke 13:30}
• This is good news to us all. Are you the last child of your family and consequently you’ve believed yourself to be the least? You are simply short-changing yourself! Joseph was the 11th of 12 brothers but he was the one who became a father to them all. {Genesis 50:18}
• There are many children who were born last in their families that are presently graced with the gift of becoming the light that every other member of their families looks up to.
From today, you will come to the limelight in Jesus’ Name! The lord will lift you up.
• However, you need to drop every faulty mindset you have now.

• Moreover, another lesson here is that God can reserve the best for the last. When men have exhausted all their efforts and failed, God can show up and intervene in that particular situation. {John 2:1-10}
• Sometimes when God wants to assist us in certain situations, we shove Him aside, telling Him we are mature and can help ourselves. He therefore steps aside and allows us to exhaust our abilities.
• If you are wise, you will agree with God early enough so that you do not have to waste so much effort in the long run.
• Yes, you can have the best towards the end! Indeed, do you know that God has reserved the prosperity of some people till they are in their late forties and above?
• Probably because He wants them to first mature spiritually, mentally and physically, knowing that after maturing, such people will be able to easily cooperate with Him over how He wants the blessing used.
Whatever stage your life may be in right now, don’t discount yourself. It’s not over until God says so.

Key Point

• Whether you arrive now or later, what is important is that you manifest at your appointed time.



OHDD Focal Point
© NOVEMBER 2017.


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