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Digging Deep: December 24th, 2019

LESSON  308 ESTHER: CASE STUDY IN VESSELS UNTO HONOUR – PART 3 Bible Reading: Esther 3,4 INTRODUCTION: In the last part of this series, we learnt that there is no room for a vacuum in nature, when one queen fall another one rose to take her place. We also saw that the statement of our Lord that many are called but few are chosen had always been true. Today as we study chapter 3, and 4 of the book of Esther, we begin to see some crucial characteristic of a vessel unto honour. May you be a vessel unto honour in Jesus name. 1.  GOD MUST COME FIRST ALL THE TIME There are occasions when children of God may have to disobey the orders of the Government i.e. when those orders contravene the higher orders of the King of Kings Acts 3:4; Acts 5:27-32; Exodus 1:15-21; Daniel 3:13-18. While we must give honour to whom honour is due, the one who knows the end from the beginning must have pre-eminence in all things at all times  Daniel 6:7-10; Acts 15:18; Ephesian 5:18; John 14:1.

Digging Deep: December 17th, 2019

LESSON  307 ESTHER: CASE STUDY IN VESSELS UNTO HONOUR PART 2 Bible Text: ESTHER: 2: 1-18. INTRODUCTION: In the Iast part of this series, as we studied what happened to Vashti the former queen of king Ahaseurus, we saw how God wants the Christian to enjoy life to the full provided he puts God first all the time. We also saw the need to watch and pray constantly. In this second part, we are introduced to Esther proper. May God bless us richly as we study in Jesus Name. Amen. 1.  THERE IS NO ROOM FOR A VACUUM IN NATURE PHYSICAL OR SPIRITUAL When one queen fell, there was soon a suggestion for a replacement. This is because there is no room for a vacuum in nature Esther  2:1-18; Matthew 12:43-45, I Samuel 16:14; Psalms 51:11; John 1:11-12; Romans 11:11-21; Ephesians 2:5; Romans 9:15; I Peter 5:5; I Sam. 15:22; John 15:16; Jeremiah 1:4-5; Isaiah 49:1; Psalms 75:5-7; Matthew 23:12; Acts 15:18 . Esther found grace and favour with everyone because she was humble. Obedient and

Holy Ghost Congress: The Great Turn Around Day 4

It's the fourth day of the 2019 Holy Ghost Congress. God bless you as you join in today's sessions.

Holy Ghost Congress: The Great Turn Around Day 3

Good Afternoon Everyone, Let me begin this with my apologies for not having the morning session live streamed. Please watch now below. We will stream live the afternoon and evening sessions. Stay blessed. Morning Session Afternoon Session Evening Session

Holy Ghost Congress: The Great Turn Around Day 2

After yesterday's Praise and Worship Session  in which some people like myself have received our first sets of Great Turn Around Join us in today's Sessions here as well. Stay Blessed. Business Seminars (Raising Funds for Business Startups) Evening Session

Holy Ghost Congress: The Great Turn Around Day 1

Welcome to another season of supernatural experience that empowers to overcome and overtake. Get suited up for the Great Turn Around from the dunghill to the Greater  the heights. The Holy Congress of this year commences in a few minutes. Join us for live broadcasts everyday for all the sessions. May your life get that turn around to the perfect plan of God's Heart for you in Jesus name. God bless you. Summary of Daddy GO's message for Day One Topic: The Garment of Praise Text: Mark 10:46-52 What is TURN AROUND? It means if you have been going backwards, now you begin to go forward or if downwards, you begin to go upward. Great turn around means opportunities you have lost suddenly makes a turn around and comes back to you. The great turn around can be found in the story of blind Bartimeus. After his encounter with Jesus, he had several turn arounds in his life. 1. God is a God of individuals. When he created you, he made you uniquely. The

Digging Deep: December 3rd, 2019

LESSON 306 ESTHER: CASE STUDY IN VESSELS UNTO HONOUR PART 1 Bible Tex t:  Esther : 1 INTRODUCTION The Bible teaches that there are kinds of people or “Vessels” in any great house. Some of these vessels are unto honour and some unto dishonour.  II Timothy 2:2 . To be a vessel unto honour is a costly endeavour, but a very worthwhile one. As we study the life of Esther, may we find grace to become vessels unto honour for God in Jesus name. Amen. 1.  THERE IS A QUEEN ONLY BECAUSE THERE IS A KING: THERE ARE CHRISTIANS ONLY BECAUSE THERE IS CHRIST Ahaesuerus reigned over a large kingdom and was very wealth  Esther 1, Psalms 24:1 . But there is a king above all kings, who reigns over all and owns all  Psalms 19:1-3; Haggai 2:8; Isaiah 55:1 . His name is Jesus Christ. Queen Vashti was free to enjoy as much as she wanted provided she remembered that she was queen because she belonged to a king  Revelations 19:7-9; Psalms 34:10; John 10:10; Philippians 4:13, 19 .

The God Kind of Faith by Kenneth E. Hagin

Central Truth The kind of faith that spoke the universe into existence is dealt to our hearts. There are two things to notice about the God kind of faith. First, a man believes with his heart. Second, he believes with his words. It isn’t enough just to believe in your heart. In order to get God to work for you, you must believe with your words also. Jesus said, “Whosoever shall say … and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” ( Mark 11:23 ). This is the unalterable law of faith. And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry: And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it. And in the morning, as they passed by, they sa

December Thanksgiving Service: Wholesome Transformation

Good Morning God's Beloved, It's been sometime that we had a post on our page here. Thank God for the successful fasting retreat of the month of November this year. We believe strongly that all our heart desires and prayer requests have been granted in Jesus name. Even as we celebrate the end of this fast, we commence this month of December with a Thanksgiving Service. Isn't that a double package? Join us for today's live stream of the December Thanksgiving Service or watch later on demand as God would use his son, Pastor J. Obayemi to reach us with his word that would Transform us Completely Stay blessed.

Divine Encounter: A Taste of Water

Good morning Heaven minded soldier, Join in today's Divine Encounter live or watch on demand here. Stay blessed. #November #NotOver #MoveMber Summary of November 2019 Divine Encounter.  Theme: Swimming in Glory 8; A Taste of Water. Bible text: 1 Kings 17:8-15 Preacher: @pastoreaadeboyeofficial For somebody here today, help is on the way and the help will arise before it is too late. Long before you left home this morning, the God I serve has already seen your needs and help is on the way. John 12:24. When you sow a seed, it may look as if the seed has died, as if nothing is happening. It's only waiting for a taste of water. 2 Chronicles 1:6-12, 2 Chronicles 7:5 The number one law of the universe is the law of preservation. The second law is the law of harvest. Galatians 6:7 What you sow, you reap. God sowed His only begotten Son, now He has many children. You only block your way to recovery if you stop sowing. The only one who will sow and

November 2019 Thanksgiving Service: Rising Stars

Good morning Dearly Beloved, Welcome another Thanksgiving Sunday Service of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Thank God for all He has done for us all from the beginning of this year 2019 also, for the things He will do for us before this year cones to an end.  This morning, we are here to meet the Creator of all things and He has called us Rising Stars. Let's therefore come before Him with dancing and celebration hearts to glorify Him. God bless you... Summary of November 2019 Thanksgiving Service. Topic: Rising Stars Text: 1 Corinthians 15:41 A star is someone who is outstanding/excellent in whatever he does. There are different categories of students in the educational sector. We have the Brilliant ones. Brilliant is a combination of two words: Bright and Light. Scientifically, A star is a burning gas. The hotter it burns, the brighter it gets. Scripturally, A star is someone who knows that he is nothing but inside him is the Consuming Fire.

Holy Ghost Service: Swimming in Glory 8: A Taste of Water...

Good evening Beloved, No matter what the enemies of your soul thinks, they can't pin you down, there is a spring of living Waters that can take you thirsts away forever. Join us in today's Holy Ghost Service, being the Last Holy Ghost Service of the year - A Taste of Water. May God quench all our thirsts in Jesus name. Summary is now available, Full Transcripts coming soon... November 2019 Holy Ghost Service  Theme: Swimming In Glory 8; A Taste of Water  Bible Text: Job 14:7-9 Preacher: Pastor E. A. Adeboye  Water is symbolically referring to three principal things:  1. Good news. Genesis 45:17-28 2. Anointing. 2Kings 13:20-21 3. Divine Touch. Psalm 138:7 It doesn't matter what the situation is, there's still Hope for you.  Proverbs 13:12. Don't write yourself off!  It is not over until God says it's over. Ecclesiastes 9:4. There’s good news for you, based on the word of God that is forever settled. Isaiah

Holy Communion Service: A Taste of Water

Welcome to another opportunity to feast at the Father's Table. It's happening now. Join in the live stream of the Holy Communion Service. Let's be reminded, Fasting begins tomorrow...

Announcement: 30 Days Fast November 2019

Good morning God's beloved, It's another weekend. And the November Fast is just a few days away. The prayer guide for this fasting season has been uploaded here. Prayers will be going on in the Church on every of the Fasting days. The time of the congregational prayer is 5-6pm everyday from November 1st to 30th November 2019. See the prayer guide below. We pray that in this season, God will grant all our request and respond to all our petitions in Jesus name, our nation shall be come great again and our lives will never lack and good thing in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Do have a great day. #30DaysChallenge #FastForOurLand #SpiritualRetreat #BeOnFireForGod #HealOurLand #RCCG #November2019 #NovemberFast

5 PATHS OF PREACHING by Chikwendu Uche

What is the most effective way to preach? Lots of preachers have evolved in different ways. But experts have recognized five available options for preachers when they address their hearers: 1. PREACHING FOR THE PEOPLE - This is Performance . When you preach for the people, you entertain, amuse and inspire them. You only motivate them, not grounding them in godly living and scriptural lifestyles. 2. PREACHING AT THE PEOPLE - This is Rude.  When you preach at the people, you are simply attacking them. And this happens when you erroneously believe that the people are your enemies. 3. PREACHING DOWN ON THE PEOPLE - This is Arrogance.  Lots of preachers choose this option today. They downgrade and attack the selfworth of the people through their preaching. 4. PREACHING UP TO THE PEOPLE - This is Fear.  In many churches, the preachers only preach what is dictated to them to preach by the boards and trustees of those churches. In such churches, there are no-go areas


Let us lift our hands to the most high God and begin to worship Him. Let us magnify His holy name; let us worship Him. Give Him glory; give Him honour for bringing you to the New Year. Thank God for God. Thank God for God the Father, Thank God for God the Son, Thank God for God the Holy Spirit. Worship Him Adore Him Give Him glory, give Him honour; bless His holy name. He is worthy, He is worthy, He is worthy to be praised. Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration. Thank You Father. Glory be to Your holy name. In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped. Lift your voice to Him and say: Father, give me a new year present today. Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God. Almighty God, the All Sufficient One, please, give me a new year present today. Thank You Father. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. We give You all the glory We give You honour We give You all the glory We give You honour. Amen We give You all the glory We give You honour We