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Showing posts from October, 2019

Holy Communion Service: A Taste of Water

Welcome to another opportunity to feast at the Father's Table. It's happening now. Join in the live stream of the Holy Communion Service. Let's be reminded, Fasting begins tomorrow...

Announcement: 30 Days Fast November 2019

Good morning God's beloved, It's another weekend. And the November Fast is just a few days away. The prayer guide for this fasting season has been uploaded here. Prayers will be going on in the Church on every of the Fasting days. The time of the congregational prayer is 5-6pm everyday from November 1st to 30th November 2019. See the prayer guide below. We pray that in this season, God will grant all our request and respond to all our petitions in Jesus name, our nation shall be come great again and our lives will never lack and good thing in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Do have a great day. #30DaysChallenge #FastForOurLand #SpiritualRetreat #BeOnFireForGod #HealOurLand #RCCG #November2019 #NovemberFast

5 PATHS OF PREACHING by Chikwendu Uche

What is the most effective way to preach? Lots of preachers have evolved in different ways. But experts have recognized five available options for preachers when they address their hearers: 1. PREACHING FOR THE PEOPLE - This is Performance . When you preach for the people, you entertain, amuse and inspire them. You only motivate them, not grounding them in godly living and scriptural lifestyles. 2. PREACHING AT THE PEOPLE - This is Rude.  When you preach at the people, you are simply attacking them. And this happens when you erroneously believe that the people are your enemies. 3. PREACHING DOWN ON THE PEOPLE - This is Arrogance.  Lots of preachers choose this option today. They downgrade and attack the selfworth of the people through their preaching. 4. PREACHING UP TO THE PEOPLE - This is Fear.  In many churches, the preachers only preach what is dictated to them to preach by the boards and trustees of those churches. In such churches, there are no-go areas


Let us lift our hands to the most high God and begin to worship Him. Let us magnify His holy name; let us worship Him. Give Him glory; give Him honour for bringing you to the New Year. Thank God for God. Thank God for God the Father, Thank God for God the Son, Thank God for God the Holy Spirit. Worship Him Adore Him Give Him glory, give Him honour; bless His holy name. He is worthy, He is worthy, He is worthy to be praised. Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration. Thank You Father. Glory be to Your holy name. In Jesus mighty name we have worshipped. Lift your voice to Him and say: Father, give me a new year present today. Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God. Almighty God, the All Sufficient One, please, give me a new year present today. Thank You Father. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. We give You all the glory We give You honour We give You all the glory We give You honour. Amen We give You all the glory We give You honour We

WhatsApp Group Link Revoked

Good morning Heaven bound Soldiers, Trust we all rested well. Some weeks back, we posted a link to our WhatsApp group where beneficial information on programs of the church is made readily available and we also provide other information, educational and all-round growth targeted information. This WhatsApp group has been kept updated everyday since creation and we try to regulate what is posted there by opening posting to all for some hours. However, it has been noted that some people join this group - especially via the joining link posted on Facebook - to abuse and violate this group. This is completely unchristian and offensive. It was stated in the post containing the link that conversations on the group should be only for gospel related matters, prayers and the likes. Because of this abuse, the WhatsApp link has been revoked, hence, you won't be able to join the WhatsApp group via the link. We'll try to keep our Facebook page as updated as we can, but we

Who’s Who in Hell by Kenneth E. Hagin

Everyone will face  eternity one day. The righteous enter “life eternal” Matt. 25:46 , and the unrighteous are cast into hell or the lake of fire Rev. 20:15 . The lake of fire is the final dwelling place for those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life  Rev. 20:15 . We should thank God for the revelation His Word gives us concerning Heaven. If we are in Christ, we are Heaven-bound!  We should also thank God for what scripture says about hell . Those who haven’t made Jesus their Lord are not  Heaven-bound. Christians need to reach these people with the Gospel. We must let them know there is a Heaven to gain and a hell to shun. Who’s Who There once were books that listed people who achieved a degree of prominence in the arts and sciences, in business, and in various professions. Sometimes it’s interesting to know “who’s who” in life. The Bible also gives us a “who’s who” in hell, so to speak. Revelation 21:8 (NKJV) 8. But the cowardly, unbeli

Survive the Storm by Wyatt Brown

In 1989 , I was flying a plane using regular radar. We didn’t have the advantages of GPS and satellite weather then. I needed to penetrate a line of thunderstorms. When I asked the controller for permission to deviate and go around a storm cell, I didn’t know it was hiding an even bigger cell behind it. I did what pilots are never supposed to do - I flew right into a massive storm. The plane shook so violently I couldn’t read the instruments. Within seconds, I was jerked 1,400 feet above my assigned altitude. Words from my instructors went through my head, “ If you ever get into that spot, forget your altitude , and just remember your attitude .” The controller spoke calmly (like the Holy Spirit does to us in a storm), “When you can, turn about 15 degrees to the left. You should be out of the storm in four minutes.” Sure enough, I popped back out of the storm. You never read about me in the papers that day. Ten years later John F. Kennedy, Jr., piloted a fatal plane cras

Covenant – Minded Champions by Chip Brim

JUST FOR FUN , I was thinking about who I would have drafted if I coached in the biblical days. I’d take David in the first-round draft pick. He had no fear. He attacked a giant as if it was no big deal. Then I’d take Abraham. He was fully persuaded and coachable. I said, “God, I want to coach and train and help more Davids and Abrahams. Help me to do that”. And I began to see how they were focused. They were dialed in to their covenant - like a scope! God used a case study about accuracy in war to teach me. Soldiers used a phrase when it came to gunfire: “spray and pray". But later with study and training, they dramatically improved their accuracy and now focus on “one shot", God asked me, “Which are you?” Are you a sprayer and prayer? Or are you dialed in and focused? I thought about all the confessions and prayers. Now there’s nothing wrong with a lot of prayers, but dial it in. Jesus taught it. Paul prayed it. In other words, “Lord let them see. Let

WHY RELATIONSHIPS FAIL by Oluwadamilola Kokumo

What is relationship??? The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. The state of being connected by blood or marriage. Relationship is a very delicate aspect of life that need to be thoroughly evaluated by both parties before coming to a point of consensus ad idem.  Relationship is an aspect of life which is liable to lift or drop a man emotionally or mentally. Just have 5 points to share as it just a short session but advise you to look into it before you say " YES I DO ". REASON RELATIONSHIP FAIL 1) Differences in vision and purpose . 2) In many cases both parties do not agree on each others goal or calling. Scripture speaking in  Amos 3:3  "Can two walk together except they  agree?" when this is not in view absolutely failure is inevitable in relationship. 3) The place of God in a matter. Many relationships also fail when it is not the will of God for them to be bound

A Two-fold Calling - CEO and Youth Pastor by Jay DePalmo

“ WHAT AM I  going to do?” The writing was on the wall - his job wouldn’t last much longer. Young and newly married, Jay DePalmo, a ’96 graduate of Rhema Bible Training College, was about to take another step in God’s plan. A building caught his eye as his car pulled up to an intersection. God’s voice surprised him, _“Go in and apply.”_ It was the strongest Jay had ever heard the Lord speak in his heart—not audibly, just in his heart—so clear that he felt like turning around as if someone was in the backseat! Instead of continuing home, he turned the wheel, parked his car and went inside “Hobby Lobby” for the first time in his life. Climbing the Corporate Ladder Within a week Jay was offered a co-manager position. He and his wife, Amanda (an ’05 RBTC graduate), packed their bags. The 18-year adventure would take them through Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Georgia before returning to the corporate office in Oklahoma City. Every time Jay moved for his job, there would

His Power and Glory: Divine Encounter

Good morning Heaven-bound People, We are still in the season of experiencing God's Power and Glory, and I cannot think of any other way to partake in this more than by an encounter with the Maker. Join the live stream or view on demand here. May your life begin to speak of His Power and Glory from now in Jesus name. Join The Shiloh Hour for the month here too... October 2019 Divine Encounter  Topic: Destiny Helpers Preacher: Pastor J. T. Kalejaiye   Bible text: Psalms 121:2 God Almighty is the number one Destiny Helper. ‪We all need God as our number one Destiny Helper because without Him, we can't find help.‬ God can use friends, family and even strangers as your destiny helpers. In the story of Joseph, we learn that one of the things that helps you to encounter your destiny helper is vision, what can you see? ‪In Genesis 37:4-5 , Jospeh's brothers envied him and hated him but that did not limit his destiny, they didn't realise

October 2019 Thanksgiving Service: Arise

Good Morning God's Favorite, Join us in today's dual live stream of both our Region and the National Thanksgiving Service. Stay blessed. Regional Thanksgiving Service  National Thanksgiving Service October Thanksgiving Service. Text: Isaiah 60:1-3 Topic: Arise Arise means simply move to a higher ground. For someone that is dead Arise will be come back to life. Mark 5:39-42. For someone sleeping (a state where opportunities can pass you by), arise means wake up. Luke 22:46. Arise for someone who's on the ground means stand up and walk. Acts 3:1-8. When God is saying to you to Arise, it's a command When Man is saying to God to Arise, it's a prayer. When God says Arise and Shine, it is a command and It means He will supply everything you need. All you have to do is obey God says Arise and Shine, for your light is come! The light comes from God. When the miracles that would follow you from this moment starts, don't hide

His Power and Glory Day 5: Holy Ghost Service

Good Morning Your Excellencies, I trust we have been having fun following the Youths and Young Adults Convention of this year on our blog and tonight happens to be the much awaited day with the Holy Ghost Service coming up tonight. Join us in today's sessions and the Holy Ghost Service later tonight.  Stay blessed. October 2019 Holy Ghost Service Theme: His Power and Glory Bible Text: Matthew 6:9-13 God is like a bird with wings. Every bird flies with 2 wings; For God, His wings are His Power and His Glory. John 11:40 If you want to see the Glory of God, BELIEVE. If you want to experience the Power of God, BELIEVE. Mark 9:23. Central requirement to enjoying the power and glory of God is having Faith. Psalm 62:5. There are two types of Faith: 1. The Power Faith 2. The Glory Faith. Power Faith is the Aggressive, miracle working and Mountain moving type of Faith. 1Corinthians 12:8-11. Glory Faith is the Restful, submissive type of Faith

His Power and Glory Day 4

Good Morning Beloved, As promised, we have kept our blog updated with the events of the ongoing Youths And Young Adults Convention themed His Power and Glory . Join in today's morning sessions and other sessions after. Remain Blessed. Extracts of Key Points October 2019 Holy Communion Service  Theme: His Power and Glory   Bible Text: John 16:13-14 . 13  But when he, the Spirit of truth,  comes, he will guide you into all the truth.  He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.   14  He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. Preacher: Pastor E. A. Adeboye  Since when Jesus Christ left and ascended to Heaven, the power of healing changed from Him speaking to the Power in His Broken Body. All miracles, healings, lead to bringing Glory to God.  Mark 2:1-12 As you partake of the Communion tonight, your