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October 2019 Thanksgiving Service: Arise

Good Morning God's Favorite,

Join us in today's dual live stream of both our Region and the National Thanksgiving Service.

Stay blessed.

Regional Thanksgiving Service 

National Thanksgiving Service

October Thanksgiving Service.
Text: Isaiah 60:1-3
Topic: Arise

Arise means simply move to a higher ground.
For someone that is dead Arise will be come back to life. Mark 5:39-42.
For someone sleeping (a state where opportunities can pass you by), arise means wake up.
Luke 22:46.
Arise for someone who's on the ground means stand up and walk. Acts 3:1-8.
When God is saying to you to Arise, it's a command
When Man is saying to God to Arise, it's a prayer.
When God says Arise and Shine, it is a command and It means He will supply everything you need. All you have to do is obey
God says Arise and Shine, for your light is come!
The light comes from God.
When the miracles that would follow you from this moment starts, don't hide the light.
If man says to man to arise or move higher, it is an advice. 2kings 7:1-11.
If you think you are great, ask God to open your eyes and you can be greater still. No matter where you are, God can keep promoting you, from glory to glory.

The only one who can Lift you up from wherever you are and taking you from glory to glory is God. So if you have not surrendered your Life to Jesus, the one who says I have the keys of David if I open no one can shut, you are not going anywhere.
The choice is yours, if you want to remain in shine and stay where you are Or if you will come to Jesus and start going higher.
Prayer: Father, Arise for Him, Defend Him, Cause me to Arise.





Hallelujah, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy name, let’s give Him glory, honour and adoration, let’s bless the King of kings, the Lord of lords, worship Him, bless Him, thank Him for all He has done for you since the beginning of the year, magnify His Holy Name, thank Him for Nigeria, give Him all the glory, honour, thank Him that we can go out and come in anytime we want, thank You Father, glory be to God, may Your name be forever glorified, thank You for everything You have done for us as individuals and as a nation. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Father, arise, defend Nigeria and everyone of us.

Father, this is October, this year is ending, help me, let my breakthrough come, remove every reproach from my life, family and Nigeria, don’t let me know shame again do something special for me this month.

🎺S 🎻 O🥁  N 🎷 G📯

What a mighty God we serve
what a mighty god we serve
Heaven and earth adore Him
Angels bow before Him
What a mighty God we serve.

Almighty God, the owner of the world, the owner of Nigeria, we bless Your Holy Name, accept our worship in Jesus name, thank You for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October, accept our thanks in Jesus name.

Father we know you have brought us thus far by Your grace we will see the new year, accept our thanks in Jesus name, Father we are crying unto you today on behalf of Nigeria and Nigerians, arise and defend the rulers (traditional and elected) and the ruled.

We commit everyone of us to You, arise and defend us, let it be well with everyone of us and let us receive a special visitation from You.

Embarrass Your children that are faithful in the payment of their tithe and offering with blessings, open the windows of heaven, pour blessings on them, heal everyone listening to us all over the world, set the captives free, let there be no sorrow this month, make the barren fruitful, let there be no bad news for the rest of this year, help us Oh Lord, answer all our prayers, perform miracles in the lives of Your children that are of marriageable age, answer those that want one miracle or the other, this month answer them all.

Before the sunset today let your children have testimonies, thank you Almighty God, in Jesus mighty name we prayed.

Isaiah chapter 60 verses 1 and 2
1Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

God knows the end from the beginning, He knows that a time of darkness will come and when the time comes somebody will rise and shine.

Arise means move up to a higher level wherever you are move higher. for example,

It means come back to life from the dead, Mark 5:35-42.

 To somebody who is sleeping it means wake up,  Luke 22: 46 when you are sleeping opportunities could pass you by.

 To someone on the ground, stand up. Mark 14:33-42

To somebody in bondage, be free, to the lame man, arise and walk. Act 31-8

Whatever level you are today, you would have moved higher before the end of this month.

Every word found in the Bible like arise could be a command, advice, prayer/plead or statement of determination.

When God speaks to a man, it is a command, when God is commanding you to arise, it is certain that He will supply what you need to obey, Mark 2:1-12. on behalf of Almighty God, i'm saying arise and everything you need to arise will come through the word.

When a man tells God to arise it is a prayer. Psalms 68:1-3 If you say you don’t have enemies, it means you are nothing.

If it is a man speaking to another man, it is an advice 2 Kings 7:1-11, Arise, there's something better waiting for you, very soon you will have a testimony. Take the advice of the man of God, arise. God will supply what you need to rise and shine. When you arise and the blessings begin to come, don’t hide the light, when the miracles that will follow this morning service begin to come don’t fail to testify and tell others the secret of the breakthrough, even before the end of this week, somebody will sing a new song.

If I'm talking to myself it means I have made up my mind that I will suffer no more, life will be better and i'm going higher still. If God open your eyes and show you where you can be you will be amazed.

If you think you are great, you can be greater. Luke 15:1-11 If you are tired of suffering and belief that God can help you, you will say i will arise. If you are tired of suffering and believe that God can move you higher, you will say i will arise. The only one who can stop You from arising is God not devil, if God is on our side who can be against us.

The only one who can lift you is God. If you haven't surrender your life to the only one who can lift you surrender to Him today, it is wise to surrender to the only one that can help you.

Saviour, we just want to thank You for Your word, accept our thanks in Jesus name, we commit the people who have come to surrender their lives into Your hands, have mercy on them, save their souls, forgive their sins, please, receive them into the family of God, let Your blood wash their sins, and i pray anytime they call on You, You will answer their prayer, thank You Almighty.

In a moment Your children will be crying unto You, as they call on You answer them today, release to them the power to become what You want them to become. This day will be a day none of us will ever forget, thank You Almighty, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

If you believe God will answer you today, stand and shout Hallelujah.

Father, arise for me and defend me and help me to arise.


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