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Showing posts from 2020

Holy Congress 2020: It's Time to Fly

  Praise the Lord!!! The much awaited Holy Ghost Congress is finally here. We would not be having daily congress post like we normally do, we want to have all the contents on this single post, so, expect a very lengthy post at the end of the Congress. We would also try to have transcripts of the messages by our Father in the Lord, Pastor E. A. Adeboye included at the end of each day's video post. Kindly recall, the first four days will be virtual but the Final day will be an All Night service  featuring the Holy Communion Servic e, the Holy Ghost Service and the Anointing Service all live at the Redemption Camp. Please come to the Camp Ground complying with all COVID-19 regulations , using face masks or face shields and with you hand sanitizers. Let's also ensure we observe social distancing en-route and on the Camp Grounds. If you won't be able to make it to the camp for the Friday's All Night Service, fret not, for we got you covered. You can always join us on o...

November 2020 Holy Ghost Service: Let There Be Light 10 - Dream Again

  Good Evening Dreamers,  Welcome to the presence of He who is able to do, exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can imagine (Dream). So tonight, don't dream small, cos we have a Big God capable of doing Great Wonders. Hallelujah!!! #StayBlessed #StaySafe Summary of the Message by Daddy GO November 2020 Holy Ghost Service   Topic: Dream Again  Text: Genesis 37:5-11 The Bible defines a dream as a vision of the night; what you saw while sleeping. It is like light breaking through the darkness of the night, revealing something to you. Job 33:15 It is like a taste of the future. Isaiah 29:8 Sleep is a wonderful gift. Psalm 127:2 + Opens the door to rest. Matthew 26:45 + Enables you to forget your problems for a while. Genesis 28:10-11, 1Kings 19:1-8 + Opens the door to dreams. Dreams open the door to several things: 1. Divine visitation. Genesis 28:12 Sometimes, we get too busy that God decides to visit us through dreams. 2. Dreams can open the door to conversations wit...

November 2020 Holy Communion Service: Let There Be Light 10 - Dream Again

  Hallelujah! As we come to the 11th Month of the Year, the Lord inspires us to Dean Again, so I encourage you to Dream Big, Dream Huge, for the Light Has Come!!! Stay Empowered... #StaySafe

November 2020 Thanksgiving Service: Better Days Ahead

  Hallelujah!!! Welcome to the 11th month of this year 2020. It has been a year of hard trials and great events. Thank God for preserving us thus far, we will be forever grateful. Even in this season, the word of God today is that "Better Days are Ahead". As you've tuned in to join us today, may you begin to experience these better days in Jesus name. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe Full Transcripts of Daddy G.O's Message RCCG NOVEMBER 2020 THANKSGIVING SERVICE WITH PASTOR E. A. ADEBOYE (PRAYER OF TOTAL RESTORATION FOR THE BROKEN HEARTED AND THEIR FAMILIES) TOPIC: BETTER DAYS AHEAD TEXT: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-18 OPENING PRAYER Let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and begin to bless His Holy name.  Let's give Him glory, honour and adoration. Thank Him for all He has done for you from the beginning of the year till now.  Bless His holy name for seeing you through the month of October. Thank Him for His faithfulness and support. Give Him glory, honour and adoration and bl...

October 2020 Thanksgiving Service: Let God Arise

  Happy Independence Nigeria!!! Join us as we Thank God for another year as a Country and as we pray for our great Nation, Nigeria. God bless you. #StaySafe

Special Anointing Service: Foundations

    Join our first Special Anointing Service. May God fix every faulty Foundations in our lives and Family in Jesus name. Amen. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe

Annual Youth Convention 2020: Bright and Morning Star

 Hello Family, It's another Annual Youth Convention and this year we are here all virtually. Join every session here. Stay Blessed. Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four

September 2020 Thanksgiving Service: Victory over Lockdown

  Happy New Year! Welcome to the First Thanksgiving Service of Redeemed Christian Church of God's New Year.  Even as we come out of the Lockdown and progress and propel towards the end of the effect of the pandemic, we have every reason to be grateful, for life. God Bless you!

September 2020 Holy Ghost Service: Let There Be Light VIII

  Hallelujah!!! You are welcome to tonight's Holy Ghost Service, relax and receive the Light of God in every area of your life that needs it in Jesus name. #StayBlessed #StaySafe

September 2020 Holy Communion Service: Let There Be Light VIII

  Good Evening Family, Welcome to the First of the Ember Months. As this year slowly rolls towards the end, we pray that all your sorrows will fade away and you will be the Ember of this year, burning Brighter and Brighter every day. We thank God for bringing you to this month's Holy Communion Service and we pray that He will meet your every need today in Jesus Name. Stay Blessed as you watch Let There Be Light VIII . #StaySafe

August Special Thanksgiving Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Good Morning Family, Welcome to 8th Thanksgiving Service of 2020. In the midst of the events happening all around, God has been faithful to keeping through it all. And as we progress into the Annual Convention Week , let us celebrate as we prepare for The Holy Ghost Convention 2020, Themed: Wonderful . Stay Blessed. #StaySafe

Special Sunday Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Hallelujah! It's another Sunday Service. Thank you for joining us with our Father in the Lord. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe.

July Special Thanksgiving Service

Welcome to our Very Special Thanksgiving Service for our Mother in Israel, Mummy Folu Adeboye.  As we celebrate with our Mom today, celebration will not cease in homes in Jesus name. #StayBlessed  #StaySafe RCCG SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICE JULY 12TH, 2020 BY: PASTOR E. A. ADEBOYE TOPIC: FROM LOCKDOWN TO LEAPING UP (PART 4) TEXT: ACTS 3:1-8 🎡🎡🎡 🎹🎹🎹🎸🎷🎷 Worthy! worthy! is the Lamb 3x That was slain Glory, hallelujah! 3x Praise the Lord TEXT :  ACTS 3:1-8 1. Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. 2.  And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; 3. Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. 4. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. 5. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. 6. Then Peter said,...

July 2020 Thanksgiving Service:

Hallelujah!!! We have come to the first Thanksgiving Service of the second half of this year, and three months through the season of not gathering together as a church in our regular church buildings, but here we are, thriving and growing daily. We have more and more reasons to be grateful, so put on your dancing shoes today and celebrate Jesus for the last 6months. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe

July 2020 Holy Ghost Service: Let There be Light 7

Good Evening and welcome to another exciting time with God. We pray that the Light of God will seek us all out and place the SpotLight of Greatness, Blessings and Favour upon you and everyone associated with you in Jesus name. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe JULY 2020 HOLY GHOST SERVICE BY: PASTOR E. A. ADEBOYE THEME: LET THERE BE LIGHT VII TEXT: ACTS 9:1-6 🎡🎡🎡🎡🎹🎹🎹🎹 Blessed be Your Name (2x) Blessed be Your Name Oh Lord Hallelujah Blessed be Your Name (2x) Blessed be Your Name Oh Lord Jesus is Your name (2x) Jesus is Your name oh Lord, Hallelujah! TEXT: Acts 9:1-6 [1] And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest , [2] And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem . [3] And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven : [4] And he fel...

July 2020 Holy Communion Service

  Good Morning, We apologize for not bringing you the live stream of yesterday's Holy Communion Service, please bear with us. However, we would be streaming today's Holy Ghost Service, stay tuned. Stay blessed and stay safe. Topic: Let There Be Light part 7 Text: Luke 24:28-36 Preacher: Pastor Adeboye To all of you partaking of the communion tonight, Peace be unto you. The story in our text talks about the communion that took place after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The scripture explains how the eyes of the disciples were opened after the communion. The disciples could not recognise Jesus until after the communion, they had a fresh encounter. I pray for you taking the communion today, you will have a fresh encounter. Ephesians 1:18 When there is light, your eyes of understanding will be opened. When there is light, all hopes will rise again. Colossians 1:27 After tonight’s communion, your hope of Glory will rise again. Hebrews 13:5 reminds us that God will never le...

Special Sunday Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Good Morning Church, Welcome another exciting in our Father's presence, with Daddy Pastor E. A. Adeboye. Stay Blessed. RCCG SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICE JUNE 28TH, 2020 BY: PASTOR E. A. ADEBOYE TOPIC: FROM LOCKDOWN TO LEAPING UP PART 3 TEXT : ACTS 3:1-8 🎡🎡🎡 🎹🎹🎹🎸🎷 You’re worthy to be praised You’re worthy to be praised My Redeemer You’re worthy to be praised TEXT : Acts 3:1-8 [1]Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. [2]And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; [3]Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. [4]And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. [5]And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. [6]Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of ...