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Showing posts from January, 2020

Unilag Campus Holy Ghost Service

Join us today for the Unilag Special Holy Ghost Service. Streaming now... God bless you.

Digging Deep: January 28th, 2020

LESSON  312 THE WRONG SWORD INTRODUCTION: To overcome the battle of life we should not use the wrong sword instead, we are to use the weapons that are not carnal II Corinthians 10:3-5. May the Lord bless us richly as we study at His feet in Jesus mighty name. Amen. 1.  WE NEED GOD’S HELP IN TIMES OF BATTLE AND WHEN THE BATTLE IS OVER . Many a times we fight the world battle with great inspiration power and spiritual victory only to become carnal fleshly and defeated, when another battle arises I Sam. 21:1-15; Joshua 7:3-4; Matthew 26:40-43; John 18:10-11; Luke 18:1; Isaiah 40:31; Zechariah 4:6; John 15:5; Acts. 12:5; II Corinthians 1:11; Ephesians 6:18. Therefore we should take heed  I Thessalonians 5:17; I Corinthians 10:11-12; Romans 10:21; II Corinthians 10:5. 2.  THE END RESULT OF BACKSLIDING When a child of God backslides fear enters the heart and is quickly followed by confusion and depression Proverbs 29:25; Psalm 27:1-3; II Samuel 1:27; Rev. 21:27. We

Empowerment Weekend: ThinkationXX

Today, there are a number of empowerment programs going on around us, and we are able to get us access to Ubong King's Thinkation XX for this year. You can join the experience on here or watch on demand later. Stay empowered... God bless you.

Redeemer's Men's Fellowship: Inspiration Conference 2020

Good morning Beloved, I am very pleased to share with us direct access to one of the best conferences one can attend in this year, as the Redeemer's Men's Fellowship hosts many business gurus and other professionals in money management areas in the Inspiration Conference 2020.  Join the live stream or watch on demand on our blog. Get empowered... Stay blessed.

Digging Deep: January 21st, 2020

LESSON  311 ESTHER: CASE STUDY IN VESSELS UNTO HONOUR - PART 6 Text: Esther 9,10 INTRODUCTION: In the last part of this series, we saw how wealth of the wicked is stored up for the use of the righteous. We also discovered that JESUS is the Ring, that is, Power of God and we can use his Name to undo whatever Satan had done to our peoples and us. As we go part of this series, may the Lord confirm us as vessels unto honour into the concluding in his hands in Jesus name. Amen. 1.  A VESSEL UNTO HONOUR IS A SOLDIER OF THE CROSS The Jews led by Esther and Mordecai went about destroying their enemies ruthlessly. A vessel unto honour is not a civilian, he is called to be a soldier of the cross Esther 9:10, II Timothy 2:3-4; James 4:7. He must fight ruthlessly against Satan and his hosts  I Peter 5:8-9; Exodus 3:7-10; Matthew 28:18-20; Joshua 14:6-12; Judges 14:5-15; Judges 15:9-13; Judges 15:9-13; Judges 15:14-15; I Sam. 17:44-49 . 2.  NEVER GIVE THE DEVIL A BREATHING SPAC

Digging Deep: January 14th, 2020

LESSON 310 ESTHER: CASE STUDY IN VESSELS UNTO HONOUR – PART  5  Esther 8 INTRODUCTION: In the last past of this series, we saw the counsel of the wicked against the righteous cannot stand and how instead the enemy will end up in the pit he dug for the righteous ones. As we continue our study, we find Esther and Modecai trying to undo what Human had done. May the Lord use us to undo what satan had done to our people in Jesus name. Amen. 1.  THE WEALTH OF THE WICKED SHALL BE SPENT BY THE RIGHTEOUS The house of late Haman was transferred to Esther who put Modecai in charge Esther 8 Proverbs 13:22; Proverbs 12:7; in the hands of Haman now rested securely in the hands of someone who would use it for beneficial purposes Proverbs 11:28; Proverbs 13:21; Psalms 49:10; John 1:11-12. Jesus is the RING of the Almighty God and is the secret of the Power of the Christian Romans 8:32; John 14:14. 2.  THE VESSEL UNTO HONOUR DOES NOT LIVE FOR HIMSELF: HE LIVES TO SERVE OTHERS. The

Digging Deep: January 7th, 2020

LESSON  309 ESTHER: CASE STUDY IN VESSELS UNTO HONOUR – PART 4(B)  Bible Reading: Esther 7 INTRODUCTION: THE COUNSEL OF THE WICKED SHALL NOT After Esther had proved her submission to the king beyond all doubts, she rose up boldly against the enemy of soon the enemy was on his kneels begging for mercy Esther 7, James 4:7; Isaiah 54:17; Psalms 68:1; Philippians 2:10; Psalms 5:7; Proverbs 11:8; Isaiah 43:3-4; Psalms 7:15; Psalms 9:15-16. Within a short time, the enemy had fallen into his own pit Daniel 6:24; Psalms 37:35-36. Further Readings:   Psalm 20:7-8; Proverbs 11:17.

January 2020 Thanksgiving Service: Unbeatable Champion

Good Morning Dearly Beloved, Welcome to the first Thanksgiving Service of the year 2020. We have come to give thanks for all He did for us in 2019 and what He will do for us in 2020. There is no better place to go in this dawn of a new decade to seek strength and power to win in it. As you fight by His side, you have become an Unbeatable Champion. May you never be defeated in this month, year and decade in Jesus name. Go and overcome in every area of your life. January 2020 Thanksgiving Service  Theme: Unbeatable Champions  Bible text: Psalms 34:1-6 Why should we thank God? 1) God commanded it. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Whatsoever you do, give thanks. 2) You have good reasons on your own. Psalm 150:6 3) Because of His divine mercy. Lamentations 3:22-23 How do I praise God? 2 Samuel 6:12-19 David was a mighty man of war. With all that might, he danced. He gave sacrifices to show his appreciation to God. He was generous. Psalms 34:8 Oh taste and s

January 2020 Holy Ghost Service: Let there be Light

Good evening Beloved, Welcome to the First Holy Ghost Service of the tear 2020. Today we will be listening to the voice of God declaring Light to every darkness and dark situations in our lives and our lives will be made its best. Happy viewing. January 2020 Holy Ghost Service Theme: Let there be Light Bible Text: Genesis 1:1-5 Preacher: Pastor E. A. Adeboye Let there be light can be a command, an advice or a plea/request. In Genesis 1:3, God wasn't begging, He commanded Light! Let there be Light is a request from man to God. Request 1: Father, Let your Light shine for me. This is because when God's light shines for you, you begin to see the invisible. 2 Kings 2:9-15. When God's light shines for you, all your requests no matter how hard will be answered. When God's light shines for you, your destiny becomes activated. Request 2: Father, Let your Light shine in me! God's light shining in you means God is opening your eyes and you begin to get d

January 2020 Holy Communion Service: Let There Be Light

Happy New Year once again, Welcome to the first Holy Communion Service of the year, where we come to eat a meal with the potential of carrying us through the year. Like Elijah ate that meal and went in the power of the meal, so shall you be fed and empowered to crush the devil and all his agent that crosses your path this year in Jesus name. Remain blessed. January 2020 Holy Communion Service Theme: Let There Be Light Topic: The meal that seals the turn around . Bible text: John 21:12-19 Preacher: Pastor E. A. Adeboye   That test that will be greater than your faith will never come your way. God arranged a divine visitation for Peter. You are here for a divine visitation. God saw to it that for the rest of the life of Peter, he never wept again. This divine encounter arranged for Peter, God saw to it that Peter will never backslide. God saw to it that Peter will never have fruitless efforts. God gave opportunities to Peter three times. He gave him an op

National Cross Over Service 2020: The Battle is Not Yours

Praise the Lord, We have crossed over into another year, the much anticipated and awaited 2020. In the dawn of this new decade, it is paramount that we commit everything to God's hands. You can watch the message by our Father in the Lord, Pastor E. A. Adeboye at the crossover service here. Summary of the message is also transcribed below. Stay blessed. December 2019-2020 Crossover Service. Bible text: 2 Chronicles 20:10-15 Topic: The Battle is not Yours As a child of God, you need to understand that you are very important to God so he will fight your battle. In John 15, Jesus Christ reminds us that we are also a friend of God and as His friend, He always fights for us, so the battle is not yours. Another reason why the battle is not yours is that things are different now, after your encounter of a Great Turn Around during the congress, things are no longer the same. When you experience a Great Turn Around, your story changes. Before David had his turn around