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January 2020 Thanksgiving Service: Unbeatable Champion

Good Morning Dearly Beloved,

Welcome to the first Thanksgiving Service of the year 2020. We have come to give thanks for all He did for us in 2019 and what He will do for us in 2020.

There is no better place to go in this dawn of a new decade to seek strength and power to win in it. As you fight by His side, you have become an Unbeatable Champion.

May you never be defeated in this month, year and decade in Jesus name. Go and overcome in every area of your life.

January 2020 Thanksgiving Service 
Theme: Unbeatable Champions 
Bible text: Psalms 34:1-6

Why should we thank God?
1) God commanded it. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Whatsoever you do, give thanks.
2) You have good reasons on your own. Psalm 150:6
3) Because of His divine mercy.
Lamentations 3:22-23

How do I praise God?
2 Samuel 6:12-19
David was a mighty man of war. With all that might, he danced. He gave sacrifices to show his appreciation to God. He was generous.
Psalms 34:8
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good.
We have tasted Him and He is good.
If you have not tasted God, come and surrender your life to Him.

Action point: Praise God until He can pinpoint you and bless you more than others. 

Transcripts of The Thanksgiving Service



TEXT: PSALM 34:1-6


Well, let somebody shout Hallelujah.
A sister had cancer of the voice box; voice box is used for speaking, the doctors removed her voice box to save her life, I prayed with her and told her that I have a God that can reverse the irreversible, one day I saw her rolling on the floor and she said she can speak again.

You voice box is still there, will you open you mouth and praise the Almighty God: give Him glory, adoration, praise Him, bless the King of kings, bless the Lord of lords and bless the Unchangeable Changer. Will you give Him glory, honour and adoration because you can speak; your voice box is there, the Almighty God in His infinite mercy has made it possible for you to be able to speak again, to glorify His Holy name, go ahead and praise Him, we are here to glorify the Almighty God; thank Him for everything He has ever done for you; particularly throughout last year, bless the Ancient of Days, He is worthy to be praised, adored and magnified.

We give You all the glory
We give You honour
We give You all the glory
We give You honour

Ancient of Days; we give You glory, Alpha and Omega; we give You honour, our Saviour, Healer, Provider, Defender, Promoter, Hope of Glory and All in All, please, accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Thank You for 2019; thank You that in spite of everything the devil planned we survived, thank You that we are here again this year, please, accept our worship in Jesus’ name.

My Father and my God, we are here just to thank You today; and I know if we thank You enough, You will do greater things, please, Father, give unto us the grace to be grateful like never before, please, don’t take away from us the ability to sing, praise You, dance and glorify Your name.

All those who might be listening to us all over the world who can not speak, please Lord, even before we finish this service, open their mouths, open the ears of those who can not hear and open the eyes of those who can not see. Please Lord, today, reverse the irreversible for those that doctors can’t do anything for again. As we praise you today, pour fearful blessings upon us.

My Lord and Saviour, this year, embarrass Your children who have been faithful in the payment of their tithes and offerings throughout last year with Your blessings, rebuke the devourer for their sake, let this year be a year of success, thank You my Father and my God, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.

TEXT - PSALM 34:1-6
1 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
5 They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.
6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.

If God had ever answered your prayer shout Hallelujah.

1.Because God commanded it. 1Thesalonians 5:18.
 Colossians 3:17 Give thanks in everything; if you are eating, give thanks, because:
i. Some don’t have food to eat.
ii. Some have food to eat but sickness won’t allow them.
iii. Some choked while eating and die.

Thank God for being able to sleep.
God commands you to give thanks in everything you do.
Philippians 4:6-7 Everyone who knows how to say ‘thank you’ will get their prayers answered.

2.You have good reasons of your own (as an individual) to thank God:
i. Because you are still breathing. Psalm 150:6

+This year, God will surprise those who thought you have no hope. Ecclesiastes 9:4.
A day may come when the Almighty God will turn prophecies to a decree. Genesis 18:1-14
God promised to give Abraham and Sarah children for 25 years; a year came when He paid a visit and said nine months from now, the child will come, He changed all the prophecies to a decree.
+I’m standing on this altar to say every prophecy you have received till now will become a decree this day.

*For the woman with the issue of blood; her acceptable year came after 12 years, Mark 5:25-34.
*For the woman who was bent double; her acceptable year came after 18 years, Luke 13:11-17. 
*For the man at the pool of Bethesda; his acceptable year came after 38 years, John 5:2-9. 
*For the man who was born blind; his acceptable year came after 40 years, John 9:1-7. 

+This might be the acceptable year for somebody.
+I’m believing God that long before the end of this month, somebody will be shouting Hallelujah.

3.Because of divine mercy. Lamentation 3:22-23
Romans 9:15-18
‘Mo dupe, mo ri aanu gba’ is one of the songs that comes directly from God.

🎹Mo dupe mo ri aanu gba
Mo dupe mo ri aanu gba
Tori ki se gbogbo eniyan lo ri aanu gba
Mo dupe mo ri aanu gba
Mo dupe mo ri aanu gba
Tori ki se gbogbo eniyan lo ri aanu gba

If you have ever received mercy from the Lord, let Him hear you shout Hallelujah.

Roman 9:15-18, it is not of him that is able; it is not because of your ability, wisdom and connection it is just because of the mercy of God that you are where you are. 
If you appreciate the mercy of God, shout Hallelujah.
It is not because you are clever, able and wise, you are where you are because of the mercy of God.

Psalm 124:1-8 If you are succeeding; you have enemies, if you are a failure; you have enemies. If you know the Lord is on your side, let me hear you shout Hallelujah.
+Whether the enemies like it or not, you will swagger the more, because the Lord is on your side.
If you know the Lord is on your side, let me hear you shout another Hallelujah.
The issue is not why should I praise God but How to praise Him.

2 Samuel 6:12-19 David danced with all his might when they were bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and sacrificed to God after taking six steps.

David made a terrible mistake; he committed adultery as a king, he abused his position, God sent His servant to him about his mistake and he said i have sinned and God forgave him, God spared David because of praise.
Anyone who knows how to praise God correctly will make it to heaven.
When you praise God acceptably, He will do for you what He will not do for any other person.

Solomon offered a thousand offering to appreciate God.

Psalm 34:8 The Lord is good that is why we are praising Him, if you have not tasted God, come and give your life to Jesus to taste and see how good the Lord is.
+Talk to the Almighty God: I have come to taste You, save my soul, take over my life from now on, i will serve you for the rest of my life, let everything become new for me Lord, please, save my soul and forgive all my sins.
+Intercede for them: Pray that the One who saved our souls will save theirs also, talk to the Almighty God to give them a brand new beginning, please Lord, receive them into the family of God, let everything become new for them.
+Saviour, we want to thank You for Your word and for those who have come to You to surrender their lives to You, please Lord, receive them and have mercy on them, save their souls, let Your blood wash away their sins, receive them into the family of God, let everything become new for them, and from now on, anytime they call on You answer them by fire, in Jesus’ Mighty name we have prayed.

Are you ready to praise God?
+I want you to praise God his morning until He pinpoint you; He is seeking for worshippers, let Him pinpoint you praising Him more than others, so He will bless you more than others this year.
+Praise God in your own ways:
* call Him by His name.
*sing unto Him.
*dance unto Him.
*clap unto Him.
*show Him your own appreciation.
Let’s go ahead and begin to praise God; let’s give Him glory, honour, adoration, let sing,clap  and dance unto Him.
Let’s magnify His holy name, there is no one like Him, He reigns forever.

 +thank Him that you can sleep.
+that You are still breathing.
+that He has not given you over to the enemies.
+ that you have obtained mercy.
+ praise Him.


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