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Showing posts from May, 2020

Special Sunday Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye: All Things Work Together For Good

Good morning family, Welcome another glorious Sunday during this COVID-19 incidence. As you in today's Service, we pray that God would meet you at the point of your need. Be Expectant. Your miracle is coming. Extracts of the Service Topic: All Things Work Together for Good Text: Romans 8:28 Miracles are the babies of impossibilities. All things work together for good including this lockdown. Lots of great things will come out of this lockdown. Examples of those who became great as a result of a lockdown: - David. 1 Samuel 22:1-2 He became great while hiding away with cast-offs from his father-in-law, King Saul. In 2 Samuel 23:8-39 , these cast-offs had become David's mighty army. They became mighty during a lockdown. - Elijah; 1 Kings 17:17-24 The king mobilized his entire army to kill Elijah. He had to go on a lockdown for safety. But Elijah became the first person to raise the dead. - Joseph; Genesis 40:1-22 Joseph became

Special Sunday Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye: Overcoming Mountains

Good morning Family, Thank God for another glorious week, with great grace and God's presence, and we're here to learn at the Master's feet again, to add value and tap more strength to carry on in Him. Welcome to today's Sunday Service. While we're working on ensuring that we bring more programmes happening in the parish to you, we keep you always in our prayers especially during this COVID-19 experience. Be rest assured that this storm will soon be over. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe RCCG Special Sunday Service | @RCCG_PR Topic: 7 Ways to Deal with a Mountain Text: Exodus 14:13-18 Ministering: Pastor E.A. Adeboye A mountain is an obstacle blocking your way; an unexpected problem or unfamiliar crisis. Ways to Deal with a Mountain: 1. Turn back. Numbers 14:1-4. The Israelites wanted to appoint a captain so they could go back to Egypt. 2. To go round it; to look for a way around it. The problem with going round a mountain is that you don'

Special Sunday Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye: The Secrets of Unending Success

Good morning Family, Welcome to another Sunday Service with Daddy G.O. God bless you. #StaySafe *RCCG SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICE WITH DADDY G.O ON MAY 17TH, 2020* *MINISTERING: PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE* Worship Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel, My Lord Emmanuel *TOPIC: SECRETS OF UNENDING SUCCESS.* Jesus Christ went to the cross to destroyed the curses in our lives because of the Love He had for us. Every successful man has a secrets of their success. Interesting thing is they don't share this secrets and one wanders how come they don't share the secrets until we realise that they don't share it because its a secrets, if they share it, its not a secrets again. Most of this successful men only share their secrets when they are about to dir and they share it with someone very close or special. Many don't share before they die. Jesus was an all round success. At birth He was a success, Luke 2:8-14. When He was 13 years old, He was already a celebrity,  Luke

Special Sunday Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye

 Good Morning Church, For those of us who'd still like to join in the service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye, here is the Sunday Service streamed for today. Please stay safe. For those joining us for the first time, kindly fill our online form here God bless you. Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye Topic: Benefits of Calvary Text: Galatians 3:13-14 1.Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law because he hung on the tree for us 2.He obtained the blessings of Abraham for us The mighty forces operating on earth are always in twos; *Light and darkness *Life and death *Blessings and curses *Good and evil Deuteronomy 30:19 What is a curse? Is an unseen force that hinders progress, that causes effort to fail with the sole aim of the destruction of the victim. Deuteronomy 28:15-end For example: *Joshua pronounced a curse on Jericho Joshua 6:20-end, the result is in 2 Kings 2:19 *The curse by Laban Genesis 31:26-35 , The result Genesis 35:16-20 *When a cur

Sunday May 10th, 2020 Service: It will soon be Over

Good Morning family, Welcome to today's service. Join us for Sunday from 8am and the message from 8:30am. Stay Blessed and Stay Safe. Sunday School Sunday Sermon If you gave your life to Christ after this service, kindly fill the form here . Stay Blessed and Stay Safe.

May 2020 Divine Encounter: Let There Be Light V

Good morning Heaven Bound Soldier, Welcome to another Divine Encounter Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye. We pray that you'd receive a visitation like never before, one that will move you to the place God has at heart for you. Stay Blessed #StaySafe

May 2020 Special Thanksgiving Service

We almost can't believe the month is three days old already too, and it is the First Sunday of the month, another time to give Thanks to God. Considering this trying times, we ought to be more grateful for all he has done for us. As we gather with our families in our homes today, let's Thank God for what He will do in our lives in the coming days, because, we have the assurance that this Storm of COVID-19 will be over shortly. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe Topic: Thank God for Calvary Text: Revelation 1:11-18 The greatest battle ever fought since the creation of man was fought at Calvary. It was a battle between the forces of darkness and Light. It seemed as if darkness won, but 3 days later, Light shone. What We Should Thank God For: 1. For the Blood He shed on Calvary. Through this Blood, our sins have been washed away. 1 John 1:7 The Blood is still giving us victory over satan. Revelation 12:10-11 The Blood also gives us access to God. Hebrews 10:19-2

May 2020 Holy Ghost Service: Let There Be Light V

Welcome to another Very Special Holy Ghost Service. Welcome to the Month of May. May your Light break forth this month like never before. Stay Blessed. #StaySafe Extracts of the May 2020 Holy Ghost Service Topic: Let There Be Light Part 5 Text: James 1:17 Ministering: Pastor E. A. Adeboye The light that comes from God is a pure, white light with no shadow of turning. Acts 22:6, Acts 9:1-7. Let there be light could mean several things: 1. Pure healing: Pure healing means total healing without any sign(scars included) or remnants of a prior illness. Mark 8:22-25, John 9:1-7. Pure healing could require a second touch or a recreation. Romans 4:19, John 11:39-45, 2 Kings 5:1-14. 2. Let There be Light could mean God give me pure life. It could mean life; a life full of vitality and vigour. Deuteronomy 34:7, Genesis 25:1, Joshua 14:6-13. God made a promise to us that the older we grow, the stronger we should become. Deuteronomy 33:25. 3. Let There be Light could