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Special Sunday Service with Pastor E. A. Adeboye: The Secrets of Unending Success

Good morning Family,

Welcome to another Sunday Service with Daddy G.O.

God bless you.




Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel,
My Lord Emmanuel


Jesus Christ went to the cross to destroyed the curses in our lives because of the Love He had for us.

Every successful man has a secrets of their success. Interesting thing is they don't share this secrets and one wanders how come they don't share the secrets until we realise that they don't share it because its a secrets, if they share it, its not a secrets again. Most of this successful men only share their secrets when they are about to dir and they share it with someone very close or special. Many don't share before they die.

Jesus was an all round success. At birth He was a success, Luke 2:8-14. When He was 13 years old, He was already a celebrity,  Luke 2:42-47. By the time He became an adult, His fame has spread abroad. Mark 1:23-24, John 17:1-5, He finished well.

Philippians 2:1-11, there are some people who don't like Him but they can't ignore Him. At some time in life, they will willingly bow to Him or be forced to bow to Him.

When He was here on earth, if He want to share something with somebody close, He spoke in codes John 13:21-27.

When He was about to leave, He revealed the secrets of all round success to His disciples, Mark 16:15-20.

What is the secrets of all round success for every child of God. Simple;
- Preach the gospel, Be a soul winner. When you are a committed soul winner;

1. If you are a committed soul winner, all your prayers will be answered. John 15:16

The word "anything" is a very powerful word. 2 illustrations of anything in the bible;
- Take moses for example, Exodus 33:17-23 (Moses told God to show him God glory, that he want to see God, he saw a glimpse of Gods glory) Exodus 34:39-35

- Consider Elijah, 1 Kings 18:36-39. Elijah was interested in bringing people back to God and he told God let fire fall from heaven. God grant his request.
2 Kings 2:9-15. Elijah told Elisha what do you want me to do, he asked for double portion of Elijah anointing and Elisha got it.

2. When you become a committed soul winner, you will enjoy constant divine touch. John 15:1-2. The touch of God will be on that person regularly. Mark 1:40-45.
- When God touches you, He reverse the irreversible, He cures the incurable.
- When He touches you, He gives you supernatural strength to reach your goal faster and to outrun your enemy, 1 Kings 18:46.
- You are a regular soul winner, His hands come upon you, you will begin to hear from God regularly, 2 Kings 3:9-19. - You will become a counselor to the high and mighty.
- You don't have to be a prophet to hear from God, all you need to do is to be a soul winner.

3. If you are a committed soul winner, you will begin to enjoy miraculous supply. Because whatever He touches multiplies. John 6:5-13. Luke 5:1-11, Mathew 17:24-27.
In every mans life, there is a river and there is a fish there, you need to go and fish because you don't know the fish that is yours. Win souls and the Almighty God will show you the fish that will change your life.

4. If you are a committed soul winner, you will enjoy Divine immunity, Mark 16:17-18. You don't have to be afraid of problems or serpent because you have divine immunity. You don't have be worried about poisoned food because when you eat poison, it won't harm you, Acts 28:1-6, 1 Corinthians 9:16. When a man preach the gospel, no harm will come on him, anything against him will be neutralised. Isaiah 54:14-17. As a soul winner, you are immune to virus or diseases.

5. If you are committed soul winner, You will begin to enjoy Divine partnership. How can go be your partner and you don't succeed, it's not possible. Mark 16:20. A soul winner has the backing of the Almighty God. Exodus 3:1-15, Joshua 1:1-8, 1 Samuel 17:34-37, Acts 10:38.

6. If you are a committed soul winner, you will begin to enjoy, Divine Excellence. You become better and greater than your colleagues. Acts 5:12-16, 2:14-41, 3:12-26, 6:1-7, 8:5-8, 7:55-56.

7. When you are winning souls, all things been equal, you will live long. On the other hand, if you are a christian and not winning souls, you run a risk of not living long. Luke 13:6-9.

Since you have been born again, how many souls have you won, Mathew 3:10.

You are a child of God, well taught, loaded with the word, you know the bible and you are well fed, if you don't produce fruits, you are in danger.
The one who gave you the secrets of all round success is also giving you the secrets of failure.

In conclusion
Now you have heard the truth, what are you going to do with the information you have now? Mathew 7:24-27. Why some people are confidently looking for when the lockdown will be over, some are dying of fear. Why not get to such people and minister to them.

My advice to you, be wise, do something about what you have learnt today. There is a lockdown but your phones are not lockdown. Phone your friends who are not born again. As soon as the lockdown is over, spread your wings and win souls for God.

For those who are yet to surrender their lives to Christ, you can not have all round success without giving your life to the Lord, Jesus Christ. Surrender your live to Him today so that you can enjoy the secrets of unending success.


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