Prayer Points on Today's Open Heavens: ( Wednesday, May 31, 2017) - WHOSE WILL? 1.I worship you, my Father, because, you are a God of purpose and plan. 2.Thank you, Father, for creating me with a very high, noble and honourable purpose, in mind. 3.Father, in anyway, l have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me. 4.Father, let every spirit of rebellion and self Will, in my life, be consumed by your fire, in Jesus' name. 5.Father, give me the grace, to renew and sanctify my mind daily; let me never yield or conform to the ways of this world, in Jesus' name. 6.Father, cause me to know Your plans and purpose for my life and give me the grace to walk in them, in Jesus' Name. 7.Father, teach me to do your will with all my heart and, lead me into the land of uprightness, in Jesus' name. 8.Father, let your Will and your Will, alone, be done in my life and in this world, as it is done in heaven, in Jesus' name. 9.Father, you creat...