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June Holy Ghost Service shall be special, it shall be the mid-year Holy Ghost Service and shall have youths ministering Zone by Zone. The Theme shall be ABBA FATHER PART V.

1 John 3:1-3. Humans are of three categories. The first categories of human beings are those that are regarded as the creatures of God. Genesis 1, John 1:1-3, Isaiah 45:6-7, 54:3-17. God made everything, both good and evil. Proverbs 16:4, Romans 8:17. If the evil person succeeds, he is been reserved for the day of evil. The second category of people are the servants of God. Joshua 1:1-2, Matthew 22:14, John 1:7-12, Job 1. The servants of God enjoy limited privileges. The third category are the children of God. Their privileges are almost unlimited. God does not allow the devil to afflict His children. The difference between a servant and a son is almost unimaginable. Exodus 33:21-33, John 15:1-2. The moment you are truly born again, the blood of Jesus flows through your veins. Every evil force that tries to interfere with you as children of God will die in Jesus name. 1 John 4:17, John 14:12. As children of God we are to do what Jesus did on earth and greater works. The only limit to a child of God is SIN. Matthew 5:8. To do this you must be pure.
Romans 8:14-15. There are three categories of Fathers. We have the Biological Father, the Spiritual Father and the Divine Father (who is the ABBA Father). The biological father has tremendous influence over your life. He can bless you and the blessing would be recognized in Heaven. Genesis 27:26-37. When your biological father blesses you, he cannot reverse the blessings. He can decree your future. Genesis 29:23-28, 49:10, 14-15, 48:8-20, Deuteronomy 33:17. Your biological father help you see farther. Genesis 24:29, 26:4-18, 22:1-18. He can link you to God, to divine favour. Genesis 28:10-15. He can affect your health. 1 Kings 5:20-27. He can affect how long you will live. Joshua 6:26, 1 Kings 16:33. Your problem is not in getting, it is in retaining. You will get and retain. Exodus 20:12. Father, don’t want to die young, if I have dishonoured my biological parents, please forgive me.
The Spiritual Father is far far superior to your biological father. My Grace is sufficient for you. 1 Samuel 16:11-13, 1 Kings 19:19-21. Is there any biological father standing your way, they shall be rejected. He can alter your destiny. 1 Samuel 10:10-15, 16:11-13, Psalms 22:1, 23, 24:7-10. He can cancel generational curses. Your healing shall be called a miracle. 2 Kings 3:16-22. He can cancel your appointment with death. 1 Kings 17:17-24. There will be restoration. Your appointment with death is cancelled. He can deliver you from satanic ambush. 2 Kings 6:3-12. Receive the ability to hear from God. He can commit God for you. 2 Kings 2:9-15. Whatever you ask God for tonight, you will get it. When he blesses or curses you, the result will be instant. 1 Kings 17:8-16, 2 Kings 5:20-27. You are blessed already.  Father, send your son to me tonight.
Abba Father is the greatest of all the Fathers. He made your biological father and can overrule him. He will make your bitter waters sweet. I will guide you. I am working my purpose out in your life.  Genesis 49:5-7. Before the end of this month, you will be shouting “Wonderful”. Numbers 3:11-13. He can turn curse to blessings. If there is any curse in your home may it be turned to blessings. He can overrule the spiritual father not just because He made him, but He also chose him. God chooses prophets. 1 Kings 15:9-15. He decides what they say. Numbers 23:11-20. Every one of you listening to me tonight, you will receive a blessing. Contrary to your present situation, you will fly high. It is God who wrote your destiny.  Jeremiah 1:4-5. The one waiting for your death will die before you. He can fulfill it. Matthew 11:11, Galatians 1:13-16. Abba Father, please bring my destiny to pass. He reserves the right to rewrite or erase your destiny. Genesis 4:4-14, Hosea 4:17, 5:9, Revelations 7:4-8, Genesis 49:17. God the Father is a Wonderful friend and a terrible enemy.
Exodus 20:12. Honour your biological Father. Genesis 27:1-4. You have done much for me, I will reward you greatly. I will give you rest. 2 Timothy 5:17. Give your spiritual Fathers double honour. 2 Kings 3:11-12. Take care of them. Malachi 1:6. Honour God. 1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 3:9-10.
Abba Father, I will honour my parents and I will honour you from now, all the blessings that a child can enjoy send them to me oh Lord.
The kind of blessings that would make me say that “it is getting too much”, give it to me now.
Abba Father, let me be far far greater than my parents and my children far far greater than I will become.

Reading Keys
Bible Passages
Key Points of the message
Words of Prophesy
Words of Knowledge 


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