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Prayer Points on Today's Open Heavens: (Friday, May 12th, 2017) - LESSONS ON VOW
1.I worship you, Father, because, you are a true and just God; and a covenant keeper.
2.Thank you, Father, for your kindness and faithfulness, to all those who obey and keep your covenants.
3.Father, in anyway, l have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me.
4.Father, let every yoke and battles that have come upon my life and family, as a result of failure to keep and fulfill my vows, be broken today, by your mercy, in Jesus' name.
5.Father, let my words, always, be my bond, as your child, in Jesus' name.
6.Father, give me the grace never to make a vow, that l will not be able to keep, in Jesus' name.
7.Father, empower me to fulfill and keep every promise or vow, that l make with my mouth, to you or to man, in Jesus' name.
8.Father, help me to redeem my vows to you, no matter the cost, sacrifice or inconvenience involved, in Jesus' name.
9.Father, help me to guard and keep the doors of my mouth, so that l will not be trapped, in making frivolous vows, that will be too difficult and painful to keep, humanly speaking, in Jesus' name.
10.Holy Spirit of God, please, bring to my remembrance every vow that is due, that l have failed to keep and give me the grace to redeem and restitute, the vow, in Jesus' name.
11.Father, let me never be carried away by zeal to make mouth-watering vows, that l will later discover, is beyond my limit and capacity to redeem, in Jesus' name.
12.Your Personal petitions.
( Phil 4:6)
13.In Jesus' name I pray.
(Jn 14:13-14; 15:16)
14.Thank you Father for answered prayers.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18).
# GodBlessOurNation


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