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"House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord." - Proverbs 19:14

Genesis 24:1-21

Marriage is the legal relationship between a husband and wife that lasts for a life time. The steps taken before going into this journey are very important to prevent pitfall (Genesis 2:21-22). You do not have to rely on vague hunches and weird rituals to know who to marry. This lesson shall teach us the basic requirements for marriage.

1. The relationship with God first

2. Godly counsel for marriage

Marriage is a creation of God. It all started from Him (Genesis 2:18). God will only guide His own (Jeremiah 10:23). He will not play a guessing game with His people. He wants us to know and do His will and He is actively involved in revealing it. Therefore, before seeking God's will in marriage, first have a relationship with Him (Psalm 119:130; Psalm 119:105).
You must not live your life in fear but in fellowship with God (2Timothy 1:7). Develop your God's gift and master how God deals or guides your steps (Psalm 85:8). Discover your identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you do not have such a relationship, you may find that of man and woman very difficult. This will reduce stress, give your life meaning and prepare you for eternity (2Peter 1:3-4).

Take heed to the following counsel before jumping into a marital relationship:

1. God does not want His people to be joined with unbelievers (2Corinthians 6:14-16; 1Corinthians 6:15-17).

2. God has placed His word in our hands so we could have a much more objective set of guidelines to follow than dreams, feelings and impulses. Despite your dreams and conviction, pray to have scriptural backing (Proverbs 18:22; Genesis 2:22; Proverbs 19:14).

3. God will work in you to do His will. He will use circumstances and situations to perfect His will for your life (Romans 8:28; Philippians 2:13). You must , therefore, remain sensitive; paying attention to doors He opens and closes to direct your path.

4. Seek the counsel of elders or spiritual heads in the church (Proverbs 19:21; 11:14; Romans 15:14).

5. Do not allow passion for sex to influence your decision or make you despise godly counsel from spiritual heads (Judges 14:1-3; Proverbs 14:29).

6. The environment you are and the peers will also influence your choice. Therefore, keep company with believers and not unbelievers (1Corinthians 15:33; 1Samuel 8:5-6).

7. You must be found working in His will (vineyard) like Adam, and doing something legitimate to earn an income (Genesis 2:15-18). Marriage is not for lazy people.

Prayer, pure word of God, worship, fellowship and service for God and right environment are factors that aid our spiritual sensitivity. Pray for our singles today.

1. What is the first thing to do in knowing God's will in marriage?

2. Mention three things you can rely on in knowing God's will.


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