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My father, help me to fulfill the purpose for which I was born.
12: I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
13: I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.
14: Notwithstanding ye have well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction.
MEMORY VERSE:- John:18:37: Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
LESSON INTRODUCTION: In the previous lesson, we discovered that the purpose of living for the natural man is for himself{Luke12:15}, while the purpose of living for the regenerated man is to live for Christ[2Conrinth5:15}.It is important to note that God does not waste resources. Hence, everything He created is for a purpose. The sun gives light and never ceases to shine[PS136:7-9], the cloud gives rain in due season and trees provide food and shade accordingly[Lev26:4]. Other animals play their parts without hestitation. Amazingly, man struggles to understand and fulfill his purpose for living. The discovery, as well as fulfillment of divine purpose, is the focus of today’s lesson.
i. God determines the belivers’ purpose before they are born- Jer1:5; Gal1:15
ii. Believers must understand the purpose for which they were created- Phil3:12
iii. You can discover your purpose by paying attention to the following indicator/check list;
a. What are your in-built ability, talent, gift? Eph4:7; Acts7:22
b. What do you have passion for? i.e things you have flare or experience joy over? PS6:9:9; Col4:12-13
iv. Your pursuit are often in your potential and passion therefore, identify them.
v. Pray to God for guidance to realise and attain so that the enemies would not hijack them. Acts9:1-2; 10:9-20
These seven things will help every child of God fulfill purpose in life.
i. Ask God to reveal to you His plan for your life- Jer1:4-5. Then, draw a vision and mission statement- Proverb29:18; Habakkuk2:2
ii. Set achievable goals and pursue them Acts20:24; PS57:7. Take a step at a time and do not be a mediocre- PS37:23; Heb6:1
iii. Identify and relate with people of like passion: learn from their mistakes and build on their success- 2Kings2:1-2, 14
iv. Submit yourself for mentoring and counselling; do not claim to know it all- Acts18:24-26; Provb11:14;15:22
v. Live as if you have just one more day on earth; do not procrastinate- Luke9:61
vi. Focus your attention on God[Heb12:2]. Make sure all that you do is to His pleasing. Col1:10
vii. Always return all the glory to God: do not ascribe anything to yourself- Malachi2:2; Daniel4:30-34
i. Identify your God-given purpose
ii. Live to fulfill your God given purpose
CONCLUSION- So many people live and die without leaving any positive mark. Be different. You are not nonentity.
i. Father, do not let my God given purpose die within me. Let me realize the purpose for which I was created.
ii. Oh Lord, let my light shine brighter for your glory, in the name of Jesus
iii. My father, help me to identify my purpose in life, in the name of Jesus.
iv. Every plan of the enemies, to get me derail at the point of my destiny, scatter, in the name of Jesus
v. I refuse to live un fulfill life, in the name of Jesus
vi. God helping me, I will make mark in this nation, in the name of Jesus. Good morning and happy weekend. Shalom!!!


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