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Showing posts from September, 2019

RCCG Youths And Young Adults Convention Day 1

Good evening Beloved, Join us to worship this God in this first day of this year's convention themed: His Power and Glory. Happy Viewing...

Sunday with Daddy GO: Special Visitation to RCCG Ogun Province 1, Abeokuta.

Topic: Remember me Oh Lord Text: Genesis 30:22-24 . Outline : When God remembers You; 1. He will hear your Prayers and Answer you. Psalm 65:2. That means you must first call on Him. Isaiah 55:6. Psalm 50:14-15. 2. All the Closed doors become opened. Even if He is the one that closed the door. Rev 3:7. 3. All Fruitfulness efforts come to an end. He sends away every devourer too. Luke 5:1-11. 4.God takes away every  Reproach. A Reproach could be any thing that makes people ask "where's your God?" 2 kings 5: 1-14 5. Your Greatness Begins!! Racheal gave the child a name; Joseph. She was saying My Greatness has started. Gen 37:5-11, Gen 41:1-44, Gen 50:15-20. 2 Cor 5:17. It's only those that are in Christ that Old things and reproach become passed away. Come to Jesus now He's the only one that can take away your reproach. Prayer: Father, Please Remember me today . @rccg_pr

The Man Who Couldn’t Be Saved by Kenneth E. Hagin

GIPSY SMITH, the British evangelist, used to tell a story about a man who came to the altar in one of his London meetings. Gipsy saw others hadn’t been able to help him, and he was struggling, so he went over to talk to him. The man said, “I can’t be saved". “Oh yes, you can,” Gipsy said. He told him no matter how deep in sin he was, God would save him. The man said, “You don’t understand. I work in the bookkeeping department of a certain company. I’ve stolen 10,000 pounds over the years and covered it up. If I get saved, I’ll have to straighten this up. My boss is a hard man. He’ll have me put in the penitentiary!” Gipsy told him, “It would be better for you to be saved and spend the rest of your life in the penitentiary and go to Heaven when you die than it would be to remain unsaved and go to hell". “That’s too big a price to pay,” the man said, and he left. The next morning as Gipsy descended the staircase into the hotel lobby, he looked out the lobby windo

Special Vigil

The prayers, praise and message for the entire vigil can be streamed above. We apologies for the low quality of this production, we hope to improve of it soonest. You can pray these prayers at anytime and be assured that all that you ask God has done in Jesus name and He will do it. Hallelujah!

Helps Weekend Grand Finale: Greater Works

SUNDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER, 2019. TOPIC: GREATER WORKS TEXT : John 14:12, Acts 10:38, Matt 10:42 The helps ministry is a very vital ministry that should not be trivialized, even though it is not categorized among the five-fold ministry. It is indeed a ministry the other ones cannot meaningfully do without and not be impaired, if rightly defined and properly placed. The departments and activities which readily fall into helps include: ushering, choir, prayer warriors and welfare. We may also include a number of other workers/volunteers in the house of God, like sanitation, security and even press and news media, in the Helps ministry. When Jesus came, His entire life and ministry centered on helping humanity and redeeming mankind. He went about helping people all the way, doing good. The Bible summarized His entire ministry in one verse in the book of Acts of the Apostles. "How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who  went about d

God’s Instruction Book by Lynette Hagin

YEARS AGO Kenneth and I bought a swing set for the kids. My husband is very good at putting things together, and he took the time to methodically organize the parts - nuts, bolts, everything. But when he got to the instructions, he put them to the side. He decided he knew how to assemble it. When the swing set was together as he thought it should be, there were still pieces left! He had to take it apart and start over. We’re all prone to the same thing in life - not reading the instructions! What happens to us? Our lives fall apart because we’re not reading God’s instruction book. We get in a mess and wonder why. Sometimes it’s not even the devil; it’s our own fault. God’s Word has every answer that we need. Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". Yet I find that people are not reading the instruction book! We “have not,” as the Word says, because we “ask not” ( James 4:2 ). OVERCOME BY THE WORD Before I overcame the fear of fl


I love to observe people. I like watching their actions and reactions and try to understand why they acted or reacted to certain situations. Recently, I have been alarmed at the discontentment people are experiencing. We are surrounded with many comforts, but I see unhappy, unthankful, and unsatisfied people who have everything and everyone around them. I now can talk to my grandchildren in the same way my grandparents answered my questions about the “olden days”. When my grandmother talked about life without cars, it was hard to imagine. When I tell my grandchildren about life without air conditioning, internet, cell phones, and social media, it is hard for them to fathom. I laugh when they ask me how we listened to music without iTunes. With all our modern conveniences, one would think that life would be less complicated and exhausting. However, many times we are so consumed with technology that it becomes a hindrance rather than a help to our well-being. I get concerned with c

Sunday Sermon: Burden shall be lifted part 2

Pre-Message Charge There is a Word of God, and a Word from God The Word of God is general, while the Word from God is a direct message to you. It takes you and God to have a secret place to get a Word from God. Matters that pertains to you life, God sends it directly to you rather than discussing it with other people. 2 Kings 23:4‭-‬5 KJV 4  And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels that were made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven: and he burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Beth–el. 5   And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the hos

Pray Honest Prayers by Denise Hagin Burns

I recently went through a difficult period. Believe it or not, ministers have bad times too. My family was going through some things that made me ask God a lot of questions. I was a little down and depressed, but I didn’t want anyone to know. I found myself pretending and editing my responses. I didn’t open up and tell people what I was thinking or feeling. I said everything was fine when it wasn’t. I became an edited version of myself. I even began pretending with God. When I prayed, I wouldn’t tell Him how I felt. I read my Bible and prayed my regular morning and nighttime prayers. But I never opened up to God. I felt distanced from Him. Finally one day I cried out to Him and said, “God, I am going to be 100 percent transparent with You. I’m not going to hold anything back. I’m going to tell You exactly how I feel because there’s no one I can be completely honest with”. Transparency Changed Everything I discovered transparency is an invitation for God to move in our li

Region 11 Young Adults and Youths Convention: RESET 2019

Good morning Beloved, The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Region 11 had young adults and youth night of praise and prayers on Friday September 13th, 2019 at the Regional Headquarters, RCCG Resurrection Parish, Jakande First Gate, Lekki-Epe Expressway. Many of us missed the life ministrations by Holy Spirit through several ministers. You can now watch the service on our blog. Please send us suggestions on how we can be better at what we do, what contents you'd like to read and view on your blog alongside your prayer requests to our e-mail: Happy viewing...


I have met 1G wives, 2G wives, 3G wives and 4G wives, but only the 4G wives are making lasting positive impacts. Some sisters would say but I am not married yet... You are supposed to be a wife material before marriage. The Bible says, "he that findeth a wife..." Therefore, let us learn one or more from these to add values to our lives. 1G Wives: The First G stands for Good. Every Man deserves a Good wife. I will explain what I meant by being Good. The Bible says "he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing..." Prov. 31:12 says, "She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life." A Good wife does 6 things to her husband. The dictionary defines being Good as having desirable or positive qualities. How do you recognize a good wife?  1. She is kind to her husband. She speaks kind words and do kind things. I was with a wife one day and I called her a witch to her face. I said "You don't have to be flying to be a wi

Sunday Sermon: Burden shall be lifted

I know very many of us have missed seeing our church, we'll try to keep up the habit of uploading our Sunday parish services as soon as possible and more regularly. For now, you can enjoy yesterday's service while we work on having the audio messages available to us soonest. The transcripts of Key words is also added beneath the message. God bless you. The Transcripts Prayers before message : 1. My Father, if there is anything in my body that has gone bad beyond repair, restore it in full in the name of Jesus. 2. Put a new song in mouth this season in the name of Jesus. 3. Father, let the tide turn in my favour this morning in the name of Jesus. 4. Father, help me to be the next to testify in the name of Jesus. 5. Turn my life into a major Testimony in the name of Jesus. 6. Father, prove your Almightiness in my life from this moment in the name of Jesus. 7. Father, hear my cry this morning and meet me at the very point of my need in the name of Jesus.

What It Means to Be ‘With God’ by Kenneth W. Hagin

Luke 18:27 says, “ The things which are impossible with men are possible WITH GOD.” We like to hear about man’s possibilities with God, but what exactly does the phrase “with God” mean? “With God” can certainly mean being born again. In the New Birth, He is not only with us but in us. However, there’s more to receiving God’s blessings and experiencing His greater glory. In the New Birth, we become qualified to be partakers of God’s divine nature and heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus. But how do we actually partake of the blessings and glory of God? How do we receive and experience them for ourselves? So many people accept Jesus Christ as Savior, and then that’s that. They don’t receive Him as Lord of their lives. They don’t go any deeper in their walk with Him.  They go back to living their lives the best they know how and waiting for the Sweet By - and -By when they’ll walk those heavenly streets of gold. But the “with God” that makes man’s impossibilities possible also

September Holy Ghost Service: Lifted into Glory

Welcome to the First Holy Ghost Service of this Redeem year, themed: Lifted into Glory. God has prepared everything required to get you out of your current situation to the place He has prepared for you before the beginning of time. However, there are a few requirements for you to enjoy this level of Glory. Join us to learn from the Holy Spirit as He will ministering to us tonight in the Holy Ghost Service. Watch live or later on this page and the transcripts of key items will be published later. God bless you abundantly. Amen. September 2019 Holy Ghost Service Topic: Lifted Into Glory Text: Genesis 21:1-7 Inside every human being is a desire to go higher, but progress is hindered by the existence of holes. There are physical, spiritual, social, financial, marital and emotional holes. A person can be trapped in the hole of barrenness until help comes. No matter how deep your hole is, God is able to bring you out and lift you up. In the Name of Jesus I declare;

September 2019 Holy Communion Service: Lifted into Glory

Good evening dearly beloved, God has promised to lift us into Glory in this month of September, but it takes some form of energy to rise. There is a meal of meals, a meal that takes you beyond the Supernatural to the Heavenly, that's the meal being served tonight. Stream live or watch later on our blog. May God lift you into Glory today in Jesus name. Amen. Sermon Extracts September 2019 Holy Communion Service. Text: John 21:15-17 Theme: Lifted into Glory Peter did so many things.  1. Denied Jesus 3 times  2. Peter went back to fishing after Jesus told him he'll be fishers of men. He looked back 3. Peter even dragged the other disciples along with him. He caused others to backslide. Jesus asked him if he loved 3 times  Peter answered that he loved Him.  Jesus invited Peter to come and dine with Him.  And Jesus knew that Peter was back.  There's a link between Jesus and Peter. That link is Love!  Peter

BORROW FIRE!!! 🔥 🔥 🔥

Those days in the village, whenever there was no fire to cook, my grandmother would gather firewood and send us to the neighbor's house to go get hot coals from them and used it to start a fire in the house... We'll walk straight to the neighbor's house holding a stainless pan with which we carried the hot coals... The moment we returned, all we had to do was to put those hot coals on the dry firewood and fanned it into flames... This has a great Spiritual implication... "Whenever you lack fire, borrow fire!!!" Yes, fire can be borrowed sir!!! Look for those who carry fire and get connected to them physically or through their materials (ie messages, books etc)... When you do this, in a short while you will find yourself burning!!! Listen to anointed messages that will increase your spiritual passion and hunger... There are moments I notice a reduction of unction... At such moments I feel like am getting cold and it becomes difficult to main

Divine Encounter: Lifted into Glory

Good Morning Dearly Beloved, Thank God for the new month and the New Redeemed Year. The second program of the year is here, that is the Divine Encounter for this month.  May you receive that encounter that will make this September another to remember for better in Jesus name. Stay blessed.

September Thanksgiving Service: Our Strength and Shield

Good Morning God's Favorite, We want to take this opportunity to welcome you to another Redeemed year in the Redeemed Christian Church of God. We trust God to keep you and yours through and beyond this year in Jesus name. We're starting this year with our September Thanksgiving Service themed Our Strength and Shield . This is a reminder from the psalms that no matter what we face, since we have Jesus, we are completely defended and protected against all attacks of the enemy. Stay blessed.