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The Man Who Couldn’t Be Saved by Kenneth E. Hagin

GIPSY SMITH, the British evangelist, used to tell a story about a man who came to the altar in one of his London meetings. Gipsy saw others hadn’t been able to help him, and he was struggling, so he went over to talk to him.

The man said, “I can’t be saved". “Oh yes, you can,” Gipsy said. He told him no matter how deep in sin he was, God would save him.

The man said, “You don’t understand. I work in the bookkeeping department of a certain company. I’ve stolen 10,000 pounds over the years and covered it up. If I get saved, I’ll have to straighten this up. My boss is a hard man. He’ll have me put in the penitentiary!”

Gipsy told him, “It would be better for you to be saved and spend the rest of your life in the penitentiary and go to Heaven when you die than it would be to remain unsaved and go to hell".

“That’s too big a price to pay,” the man said, and he left.

The next morning as Gipsy descended the staircase into the hotel lobby, he looked out the lobby windows and saw a man running down the street. This man crossed the street, flew through the hotel's doors, ran up the stairs, and threw his arms around Gipsy.

"It's just like you said!" he shouted. "EARTH HAS NO SORROWS THAT HEAVEN CANNOT HEAL!"

The man told Gipsy his story. "Last night," he said, "I went home and couldn't sleep a wink. I laid awake all night wrestling with that thing. Finally I decided I'd go straighten it out this morning."

He continued, "This morning I stood outside the company president's office for 10 minutes, trying to get enough courage to go in. Finally I told myself, you've got to do it! I opened the door, stepped inside, and was speechless. The president said, 'Speak up. My time is valuable. What do you want?'

"I said, 'I went to Gipsy Smith's meeting last night'. And he said, 'Well, did you get saved? Everybody else who goes there does'".

A lot of people want to be healed, but they don’t want to hear anything. - Kenneth E. Hagin

‘No,’ I told him. ‘I didn’t get saved. That’s why I’m here'.

“The president said, ‘There’s no use coming to see me. I’m just an old sinner. I don’t know anything about it'.

“‘But you don’t understand,’ I said. ‘I’ve stolen 10,000 pounds from this company. I have to make it right'. I began to weep. I said, ‘I want to make Heaven, and that thing stands between me and God'.

“My employer chomped down on his cigar and said, ‘I’m sending you to the penitentiary. You’re the most trusted employee I had. I met with the Board of Directors just last week. They voted to promote you to that desk right over there next to my secretary. But now I’m going to send you to the pen'.

“I told him, ‘Well, that’s alright, bless God. THE BURDEN’S GONE NOW, AND I’M HAPPY. I’ll just spend the rest of my days shouting in the pen'.

“The president said, ‘On second thought, I believe what I’ll do is promote you. You can get enough extra salary per year to pay back that 10,000 pounds with interest in several years'. Then he said, ‘Man, just take the day off. You’ve found God' ".

As the bookkeeper told his story, both he and Gipsy started shouting and praising God!

Just like the bookkeeper, God wants to show you His salvation. If you are ready to make Jesus your Lord and Savior, pray the following prayer from your heart:

I come to you in the Name of Jesus. I admit that I am not right with you. And I want to be right with You. I believe in my heart that You did raise Jesus from the dead, and I confess that He is my Lord and Savior.



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