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God’s Instruction Book by Lynette Hagin

YEARS AGO Kenneth and I bought a swing set for the kids. My husband is very good at putting things together, and he took the time to methodically organize the parts - nuts, bolts, everything. But when he got to the instructions, he put them to the side. He decided he knew how to assemble it. When the swing set was together as he thought it should be, there were still pieces left! He had to take it apart and start over.

We’re all prone to the same thing in life - not reading the instructions! What happens to us? Our lives fall apart because we’re not reading God’s instruction book. We get in a mess and wonder why. Sometimes it’s not even the devil; it’s our own fault.

God’s Word has every answer that we need. Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". Yet I find that people are not reading the instruction book! We “have not,” as the Word says, because we “ask not” (James 4:2).


Before I overcame the fear of flying, I remember boarding a commercial plane and trembling. We were going to a funeral where the people died in a plane crash because of fog. After we were in the air, the pilot announced over the intercom that our destination was fogged in. The devil was doing a number on me!

But praise God for the instruction book! I went to His Word and prayed, “Father, You said when we pray, when we believe that we receive whatever we ask, You will do it for us! I thank You that not only will the fog be lifted enough for us to land safely, but it will also disappear! I thank You for doing that for me because I am Your child, and You are concerned about me and what I’m concerned about”. (See Mark 11:23–24; Gal. 3:26; Psalm 138:8.)

About an hour before we landed, the pilot announced, “Folks, I have good news. Not only has the fog lifted to where we can land, but there’s no fog at all". Thank God!


What do you need from God? Every promise in His Word is yours. All you have to do is ask. Pray this: “Father, Your Word says that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I thank You for that! I throw every anxiety, worry, and fear over on You. You’re right here to help me. You’re greater than any challenge, and You live inside of me! Every promise in Your Word is mine, so I invite the Holy Spirit to guide me and teach me from Your Word. Whatever comes my way, I will stand on Your promises".

God’s Word has every answer that we need. - Lynette Hagin


Scriptures to Live By

Whatever you need, God’s got it. Plant His Word in your heart! Follow His instructions. God wants to lead, guide, and direct you in every way!


If you are fighting fear, I want to give you a scripture. I quote this every time I go on a plane.

PSALM 121:7–8

7. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

8. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.


There’s no wisdom like the wisdom of the Father! Ask Him for it.


5. If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.


If you need to be physically renewed, don’t let the words “I’m tired” come out of your mouth! Say, “I am quickened!”


11. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.


If you are being stretched beyond what you think you can handle, this is my favorite scripture.


13. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.


If you’re wondering how you can make it through difficulties, I love these verses:

ISAIAH 43:1–3 (MSG)

1. “Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called your name. You’re mine.

2. When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end—

3. Because I am God, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you.”


If you need encouragement, all you need is God.

ISAIAH 40:28–31 (MSG)

28. God doesn’t come and go. God lasts. He’s Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn’t get tired out, doesn’t pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out.

29. He energizes those who get tired, gives fresh to dropouts.

30. For even young people tire and drop out, young folk in their prime stumble and fall.

31. But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind.


If you have someone trying to “take you down,” the Word of God will tell you what to do.

ISAIAH 41:10–13 (MSG)

10. “Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.

11. “Count on it: Everyone who had it in for you will end up out in the cold - real losers. Those who worked against you will end up empty - handed - nothing to show for their lives.

12. When you go out looking for your old adversaries you won’t find them - not a trace of your old enemies, not even a memory.

13. That’s right. Because I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go. I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic. I’m right here to help you’ ”.



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