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June 2020 Holy Ghost Service: Let There Be Light 6

We have all been asking God for light since the beginning of this Year and I personally feel, we need now more than any other time. We have been hearing about all sorts of evil happening all around us and I am sure that, like me, you want all this evil to just end. Yes.

Evil is done in the dark, and the entrance of light scares evil doers. They know their works would be brought to the books in the light.

As you watch tonights service may every darkness in your life disappear today in Jesus name.

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Stay Blessed...


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TEXT: EXODUS 15:22-26

Blessed be your name/3x Oh Lord
Blessed be your name/3x Oh Lord..

Holy is your name/3x Oh Lord...
Jesus is your name/3x Oh Lord...

#TEXT: Exodus 15:22-26
[22]So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water.
[23]And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah.
[24]And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?
[25]And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them,
[26]And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

An end will come to bitter waters and sorrow in your life today in Jesus Name.

The Holy Ghost Service for tonight will be one that  you will not forget in a hurry.

Lessons To Learn From Exodus 15:22-26
Long before the children of Israel got to Mara, the tree had already been planted there. The implication of this is, before your problem started, God has provided a solution.
In Genesis 1, God had been there long before the problem of darkness started.
Psalm 90:1-2: Even before the mountains were brought forth, God has been and still is.
According to Jeremiah 1:4-5, Before we were formed, God knew us.
John 1:1-3: It will interest you to know that before Goliath came to terrorise Israel, the rock to kill him was already at the river. 1 Samuel 17:38-51

Scientists have it that everything about a child is settled 72 hours after conception.
2 Kings 5:1-14. It will interest you that River Jordan has been flowing long before Naaman was born. Isaiah 38:1-21.

I pray for someone tonight, That the way you will walk through to to your destiny will be reveal to you in Jesus name.

1 Peter 2:24: For anyone sick, the day Jesus was crucified, He was so beaten.
Those stripes he took over 2000 years ago settled all the healing you may need.
Isaiah 38: 1-21: The figs that God used to heal Hezekiah had been there before his illness.

#Prayer: I pray for anyone of you who might have any kind of sorrow or bitter waters in your life, an end will come to them today in Jesus Name.

It will interest you that long before problem started, God already provided a solution.

Long before your problem started, God already provided a solution. Psalm 90:1-2.

You need God to send His light so that you may know exactly what to do to receive your healing.
It could be an act of restitution that is needed, like Pharaoh did to Abraham.
Genesis 12:14-20, 20:1-18

#Decree: Anything whatsoever that is standing between you and total wholeness,  may the Almighty God reveal to you today.

#Prayer: I pray for someone here today, the way you will walk through to your destiny will be revealed to you tonight in Jesus Name.

Your Healing has been settled 2000 years ago. So whatever sickness you might have, you have been healed by His stripes a long time ago.
It has been written in 3 John 1:2 that you will prosper and be in good health.

Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6, Matthew 13:3-9.
Some of us understands the principles of sowing in the texts above and have been sowing for long. 2 Kings 4:1-7
However, some of you are looking for how to move from ‘not enough’ to ‘more than enough.’

#Decree: I decree, all of you in debt will be out of debt soon.

#Prophecy: The Lord said I should tell someone who is agitated that you should relax, He is the Almighty God and He will take care of you

You may need to make a sacrifice like the widow of Zarephath in I Kings 17:8-16 or like Abraham in Genesis 22:1-18.

In Genesis 26:1-14, there was famine in the land; the land was barren.
Due to God's promise to Abraham: (Genesis 22), Isaac enjoyed harvest amidst all that was happening.

I pray for you today that, That God of Abraham will bless you today.
I pray for you today that before the end of this year you will get hundred percentage in Jesus name.

1 Corinthians 3:6-7: It doesn't matter on what soil you sow, because it is God who gives increase.
If God withholds increase, regardless of what you do, there will be no yield.

To have your financial breakthrough, just ask God to show you what to give so that your breakthroughs will come.
Tell Him to teach you what to do and how to do what He ask you to do.

What does God want you to do so that your breakthrough comes?
How and what does He want you to pray for to get all-round breakthrough?
Genesis 1:28
What is it that is hindering your breakthrough?

Hannah had been attending Shiloh for years without result until she promised her unconceived child (Samuel) to God. 1 Samuel 1:9-20.

Daddy wants me to tell someone that you will come out of this lock down up and running.

2 Chronicles 1:6-15: God visited Solomon and Solomon asked for the right thing - He asked God for wisdom.
1 Kings 4:24: God blessed him with all that he needed, even beyond what he asked.

I pray the light of God will shine into your life that you will ask Him for the right thing this night in Jesus name.

- Solomon prayed the right prayer.
- Elisha asked for the right thing. 2 Kings 2:9-15, 13:14-21. He became a father to kings and left the legacy of power.

#Prayer: I will like someone to ask God to make him a tree tonight. Because in Psalm 92:13, Psalms 1:1-3

The tree Moses used as the solution to a national problem can be likened to a person.
In the scriptures, a tree is symbolic to a man. Psalms 1:1-3, 92:12-14

Pray to the Almighty God that you will be the tree.

Let this be your prayer tonight:
God let Your light shine on me and turn me to the one that will put an end to sorrow, tears and bitterness in the life of people.

The Lord ask me to tell someone that the wind blowing this period all over the world will blow for someone for good in Jesus Mighty name.

I'm issuing a decree to all of you who happen to be my children, "You will not lack".

I'm emphasizing on all these because I believe that before the sun rises, some of you will be solutions to the world in Jesus’ name.
You can be someone who would issue a decree and it will be established by God. (1 Kings 17:8-16)
You can be the link between someone and their miracles. 2 Kings 5:1-14
It was an ordinary maid that led Naaman to his healing. You can be the link between somebody and the one who can solve their problems.

Pray That God will shine your light on you so that you can become the tree.
The boy who gave his five loaves of bread and two fishes became the solution to the hunger of 5,000 men. You can be that boy too.
Acts 3:1-8: It was Peter God used to turn the tide for that man who was born lame.
God can use you to turn the tide for someone else.

Daddy says, I should tell someone that everything seems locked right, left and center, He said,
*“Don’t worry, I'll open a bigger door for you.”*

That tree is not an ordinary tree. It was a tree of destiny. It grew specifically so that it can change the bitter water to sweet. But that tree would not have fulfilled its destiny if God had not shone His light on it.

The biggest prayer you would pray tonight is that God will show you to the one who can help fulfill your destiny.

Genesis 37:5-11
Joseph knew he wasn't an ordinary boy, but he revealed his destiny to the wrong people. Genesis 37:15-20.

1 Kings 19:15-21
God revealed to Elijah that Elisha would take over from him; he became the one that helped Elisha's destiny. He wanted it to be well with him. 2 Kings 2:9-15

“Father, shine on me, reveal me to the one who will help me fulfil my destiny."

To be blessed is good, to be a blessing is better. To be healed is good, but it is better to be the one to lay hands on the sick.
Mark 16:17-18, Acts 20:35, Hebrews 7:7

2 kings 2:9-15: Elisha asked for double portion of Elijah's power.

To be blessed is good, to be a blessing is better. To be healed is good, but it is better to be the one to lay hands on the sick.

God is angry every day with the wicked. If you are a sinner, you cannot expect God to bless you, but if you come to Jesus today and surrender your life to Him, His blood will wash away your sins and you will then qualify for the blessings.
And if you are here and you are yet to give your life to Jesus, is better to do so now.
If you surrender to Jesus today, He'll not only bless you but also make you a blessing: just like that tree that sweetened the river of Marah.
What are you waiting for? Surrender your life to Jesus.

 I want to encourage to pray tonight that if you don't want to come to this world without any impact, pray;

1. Praise God, the Father of Light that it has pleased Him to let this type of message get to you.
2. Father, if there is anything blocking my healing, please reveal it to me tonight and help me restitute my ways.
3. Father, anything standing between me and my financial breakthrough, send Your light so I may know it and deal with it!
4. Father, Send Your light so that whatever I have to do, to turn the tide in my favour, so that I can have all round breakthrough, will be revealed to me.
5. Father, please teach me to pray the right prayers tonight.
6. Father, Please turn me to a blessing to the whole world, to my generation and even generations yet unborn.
7. Father shine Your light upon me, Point me out to the One who will help me fulfill my destiny.
8. Your personal requests.
9. Your first assignment as a blessing: Pray for the whole world that the Almighty God will stop this plague in Jesus' name.
Prayer Points
10. Pray for Pastor E. A Adeboye


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