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Special Sunday (Fathers' Day) with Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Happy Fathers' Day!!!

Welcome to another exciting Sunday Service with our Daddy, Pastor E. A. Adeboye.

As we celebrate our Fathers today, we pray that our Heavenly Father will carry us all on His Mighty Arms and lift us in to Gracious Blessing.

Stay Blessed...


TEXT: ACTS 3:1-8

🎵🎵🎵 🎹🎹🎹🎸🎷
There is none holy as the Lord 
There is none besides thee
Neither is there are anyone like our God
There is none holy as the Lord

#TEXT: Acts 3:1-8
[1]Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.
[2]And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;
[3]Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.
[4]And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.
[5]And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
[6]Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
[7]And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.
[8]And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

A leap is a sudden upward move, it can be caused by a push up, something push you upward.
For example, if you seat on a hot heater by an accident, the way you will go up will not be gradual
2 Kings 4:1-7 When the creditor came to the window to take her children for her debt, her journey to the house of Elijah was not gradual, she moved fast.

A leap could be a violent pull upward by a strong hand. 
Joshua 1:1-8 when Joshua was told that he was going from being a servant to a head of state within a day, that upward movement was not a gradual one, it was sudden and almost violent movement upward.

Whichever method God chooses to lift you, my prayer is that before this day is out, you would have leapt up.

A leap upward could be a matter of now or never.
Matthew 14:23-32 The disciples were in a boat, there was a storm, Peter saw Him, he jumped out of the boat and was walking on the water towards Him, he cried for help when he was sinking and the Lord lifted him up. The moment he cried for help, help came that lifted him up above the waves.

There might be one or two people that might be in critical situations right now, before I finish speaking, in the name that is above every other name your leaping up will come in Jesus’ name.

A leap is a sudden upward move that can be caused by a push-up or something that forces you to move up.
In verse 7, Peter took him by the hand and lifted him up; an upward lift brought about by a lifting. The Bible says immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he leaping up stood.

Most of the time, a lifting up begins with a standing.
 Psalm 40:1-3 He brought me out of the miry clay and set my feet on the rock to stay.
When you stand, it means you won't go back down.

Your leaping up will come in Jesus name

Mark 2:1-12 When they brought in the man that was carried in by force, the Lord said to him, stand, take up your bed and go home.
From that moment, the man ceased to be a burden.

When you leap up, you will cease to be a burden. 
John 5:2-9 When Lord came to the man who had been lying down at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years, the moment he said stand and go home, that man was never again at the pool of Bethesda lying down, God moved him to a higher level.

I'm praying for someone in the name of the One who called me, Because of the leaping  up that will happen to you today, you will never be a burden to anyone again.

When God is pulling you up, you start by standing, then you begin to walk: You will begin to make progress steadily.

When the man stood, the next thing according to verse 8,he did was that he walked.
When the Almighty God is pulling you up, you start by standing and then walk.
Walking means making progress steadily. 

Genesis 26:12-14 the Bible said concerning Issac, the man wax great went forward, and grew until he became very great.

I'm believing the Almighty God for my children, next time I hear concerning you, you will have moved from where you are, not only to a higher level but steadily forward

After David leapt up, he began to walk. 1 Samuel 16:11-13
He experienced a violent pull upward and then began to move forward steadily.   2 Samuel 2:1-4, 5:1-5

I'm believing the Almighty God for all of you, the next time I will be hearing from you, you'd have move from where you are, not only to a higher level, but steadily forward.

If the Almighty God is involved in your lifting up, first; you will stand, next; you will begin to walk and then there will be other leaping. 1 Kings 1:5-53

The  God is going to lift you out of poverty today

The next level is walking and leaping at the same time.
If the Almighty God is involved in your leaping up, you begin to walk in another dimension of leaping.

Solomon found himself enthroned. 1 Kings 1:5-53

2 Chronicles 1:6-15
After God lifted him up, Solomon became wealthy and gave God 1000 burnt offerings. Gold & silver became like ordinary stones in his reign..
In 2 Chronicles 7:5, he offered 22,000 burnt offerings and  sheep.
God didn't ask Him what He wanted anymore, He simply granted unto him his desires. 2 Chronicles 7:11-18.

A leap up could be a push up or a pull up. It will start with standing, followed by walking and will be followed by other leaping. 
It will culminate in a life of continuous praise. You could imagine a man who for forty years have been a beggar, tied down on one spot. And suddenly within one day, everything changed. You don't have to be there to know that for the rest of his life, he kept on praising God.
 David's confessions. Psalms 34:1-3,Psalm 89:1

Do you know that if the Almighty God looks at you, the All-knowing God, and knows there is someone in a lockdown that is eager to sing His praise, eager to testify, to tell the whole world how good God is, He will break all rules to reach you and pull you up. 
Mark 1:40-45 - A leper came to Him, worshiped, when you talk about somebody who is locked down, a leper is a classical example, a leper supposed to live in the bush, not allowed to come in to the congregation of the people. And he took his life in his hands & came to the Lord Jesus Christ and fell on His knees and worshiped Him. And he touched him. Jesus told him not to tell anyone, and he said how can I keep quiet after what you have done for me.

There is someone listening to me, nobody will beg you to witness from now on, nobody will ask you to praise God from now on, what they will say is take it easy. And you will be telling them you don't know where He picked me up.

God is able to turn your mourning to dancing provided you'll praise Him. Psalm 30:11-12
He is able to turn your lockdown to leaping- up, provided you will spend the rest of your life praising Him.

By the unction of the Holy Spirit, I decree, even if you're at the gate of death, penury, hell, I decree that you will leap up.

The choice is yours. Are you going to accept Him as your Lord & Saviour?
Will you be willing to accept His help?
The elder will say " is the child that lift up his hands that can be carried"
The Almighty God is willing to pick you up, if you lift up your hands and surrender to Him.
And say Lord, am willing, be my helper, be my Saviour, be my Lord. 

If there is anyone listening/reading, please bow your heads in prayer and lift your hands to Almighty God, and say am here; I need help, am tired of been locked down, please lift me up, so I can stand, walk and keep on leaping, I promise you that I will praise You and testify. Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God ask Him to save your soul.

Father, one way or the other, either by pushing me up, or by lifting me up, this very day, let me leap up,let me begin to stand, walk, leap higher and praise you for the rest of my life.
Grant their requests as they call on You, let this day be a day they will never forget, thank You my Father and my God, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.


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